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SyncPlay backend

SyncPlay is a video synchronization app that allows friends to watch videos together without the hassle of connecting over a video call and dealing with poor latency. With SyncPlay, users can join a room created by one person and the video will play for all users at the same time. This eliminates the need for everyone to press play at the same time and ensures a seamless viewing experience for everyone.

Technical Details

The app is built with Kotlin on the frontend and the backend is built with Ktor. The full-stack uses websockets to connect clients. This backend uses the ktor-server framework. You'll find client side app here.


If you are interested in contributing to the project, please feel free to send a pull request or reach out to us.


The design for SyncPlay is provided by Suyious, who has done an amazing job in making the app visually appealing.


For any queries or feedback, please open an issue or reach out to us.