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Intensional Programming Computable Functions (iPCF) extends the PCF lambda calculus language by adding intentionality, and was introduced in a paper by G. A. Kavvos.

This project aims to implement an interpreter for iPCF in OCaml.

Building the Project

This project is written in OCaml, and thus it's recommended to use the Dune build system to build the project.

Assuming you have the OCaml tool chain (including Dune and opam) installed, you can setup an environment and install all the project dependencies with the following:

opam switch create .

At this point you should have a local switch (OCaml's term for environment) setup in the ./_opam directory.

You can then build the project with:

dune build

Which will output the ipcf binary at ./_build/install/default/bin/ipcf.

Unit tests can be run with dune test, and running the binary directly can be done with dune exec ipcf.

The Interpreter

Starting the interpreter is as simple as calling the ipcf binary:

❯ ./ipcf

Welcome to the iPCF REPL!

You can exit the REPL with either [exit] or [CTRL+D]


Storing Expressions

Expressions can be saved in the REPL by assigning them to a variable using the walrus operator (:=):

iPCF> kcomb := \x .\y . x
kcomb : 'a -> 'b -> 'a

These expressions can then be reused in later expressions:

iPCF> kcomb true false
true : 'a

Built-in REPL Commands

The interpreter supports a few special commands, which are all prefixed with a colon:

  • :quit: Exits the REPL
  • :ctx: Prints all the expressions that are stored in the REPL
    The interpreter also supports case-insensitive tab completion for items in the context!
  • :load <file> or :l <file>: Loads a file with iPCF expressions and evaluates them

Language Syntax

Primitive Types

The language supports natural numbers and booleans as primitive data types.


iPCF> true
true : Bool
iPCF> false
false : Bool

Natural Numbers are encoded using the Church Encoding:

iPCF> zero
0 : Nat
iPCF> succ zero
1 : Nat
iPCF> succ succ zero
2 : Nat

The interpreter also supports the pred and "is zero" (?) functions:

iPCF> pred zero
pred 0 : Nat
iPCF> pred succ zero
0 : Nat
iPCF> pred succ succ zero
1 : Nat
iPCF> zero?
true : Bool
iPCF> (succ zero)?
false : Bool

Constant numerals can also be used and will internally expanded to the Church Encoding:

iPCF> 0
0 : Nat
iPCF> 1
1 : Nat
iPCF> 42
42 : Nat

Control Flow

If-then-else expressions are supported with the following syntax:

if <condition> then <true-branch> else <false-branch>

For example:

iPCF> if true then succ 0 else 0
1 : Nat

Abstraction and Application

Lambda abstractions are supported with the following syntax:

\ <variable> . <body>

For example, the I combinator (identity function) would be written as:

iPCF> \x . x
(fun) : 'a -> 'a

And the K combinator as:

iPCF> \x . \y . x
(fun) : 'a -> 'b -> 'a

Intensional Syntax

There are 3 main pieces of syntax that are added to the language to support intensionality:

  1. The box constructor: box <expr>
  2. The box eliminator (unbox): let box <var> <- <expr> in <body>
    This unboxes the term <expr> and binds it to <var> in <body>.
  3. The intensional fixed point combinator: fix <var> in <body>

Intensional Operations

There are currently a hand full of built in intensional operations:

  • isApp : Box ('a) -> Box (Bool): Checks if the boxed term is an application
  • isAbs : Box ('a) -> Box (Bool): Checks if the boxed term is an abstraction
  • numberOfVars : Box ('a) -> Box (Nat): Counts the number of variables used in the boxed term
  • isNormalForm : Box ('a) -> Box (Bool): Checks if the boxed term is in normal form
  • tick : Box ('b) -> Box ('a): Reduces the boxed term by a single reduction step