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✨ Completion of assignment 8 of SLAM Course
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Topic: Fast SLAM
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conorhennessy committed Aug 11, 2020
1 parent 29b57de commit 3e94fa7
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Showing 15 changed files with 2,381 additions and 0 deletions.
1,543 changes: 1,543 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/data/sensor_data.dat

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/data/world.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 2 1
2 0 4
3 2 7
4 9 2
5 10 5
6 9 8
7 5 5
8 5 3
9 5 9
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/octave/correction_step.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
function particles = correction_step(particles, z)

% Weight the particles according to the current map of the particle
% and the landmark observations z.
% z: struct array containing the landmark observations.
% Each observation z(j) has an id z(j).id, a range z(j).range, and a bearing z(j).bearing
% The vector observedLandmarks indicates which landmarks have been observed
% at some point by the robot.

% Number of particles
numParticles = length(particles);

% Number of measurements in this time step
m = size(z, 2);

% TODO: Construct the sensor noise matrix Q_t (2 x 2)

% process each particle
for i = 1:numParticles
robot = particles(i).pose;
% process each measurement
for j = 1:m
% Get the id of the landmark corresponding to the j-th observation
% particles(i).landmarks(l) is the EKF for this landmark
l = z(j).id;

% The (2x2) EKF of the landmark is given by
% its mean particles(i).landmarks(l).mu
% and by its covariance particles(i).landmarks(l).sigma

% If the landmark is observed for the first time:
if (particles(i).landmarks(l).observed == false)

% TODO: Initialize its position based on the measurement and the current robot pose:

% get the Jacobian with respect to the landmark position
[h, H] = measurement_model(particles(i), z(j));

% TODO: initialize the EKF for this landmark

% Indicate that this landmark has been observed
particles(i).landmarks(l).observed = true;


% get the expected measurement
[expectedZ, H] = measurement_model(particles(i), z(j));

% TODO: compute the measurement covariance

% TODO: calculate the Kalman gain

% TODO: compute the error between the z and expectedZ (remember to normalize the angle)

% TODO: update the mean and covariance of the EKF for this landmark

% TODO: compute the likelihood of this observation, multiply with the former weight
% to account for observing several features in one time step


end % measurement loop
end % particle loop

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/octave/fastslam.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
% This is the main FastSLAM loop. This script calls all the required
% functions in the correct order.
% You can disable the plotting or change the number of steps the filter
% runs for to ease the debugging. You should however not change the order
% or calls of any of the other lines, as it might break the framework.
% If you are unsure about the input and return values of functions you
% should read their documentation which tells you the expected dimensions.

% Turn off pagination:
more off;

clear all;
close all;

% Make tools available

% Read world data, i.e. landmarks. The true landmark positions are not given to the robot
landmarks = read_world('../data/world.dat');
% Read sensor readings, i.e. odometry and range-bearing sensor
data = read_data('../data/sensor_data.dat');

% Get the number of landmarks in the map
N = size(landmarks,2);

noise = [0.005, 0.01, 0.005]';

% how many particles
numParticles = 100;

% initialize the particles array
particles = struct;
for i = 1:numParticles
particles(i).weight = 1. / numParticles;
particles(i).pose = zeros(3,1);
particles(i).history = cell();
for l = 1:N % initialize the landmarks aka the map
particles(i).landmarks(l).observed = false;
particles(i).landmarks(l).mu = zeros(2,1); % 2D position of the landmark
particles(i).landmarks(l).sigma = zeros(2,2); % covariance of the landmark

% toogle the visualization type
%showGui = true; % show a window while the algorithm runs
showGui = false; % plot to files instead

% Perform filter update for each odometry-observation pair read from the
% data file.
for t = 1:size(data.timestep, 2)
%for t = 1:50
printf('timestep = %d\n', t);

% Perform the prediction step of the particle filter
particles = prediction_step(particles, data.timestep(t).odometry, noise);

% Perform the correction step of the particle filter
particles = correction_step(particles, data.timestep(t).sensor);

% Generate visualization plots of the current state of the filter
plot_state(particles, landmarks, t, data.timestep(t).sensor, showGui);

% Resample the particle set
particles = resample(particles);
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/octave/tools/chi2invtable.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/octave/tools/drawellipse.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
%DRAWELLIPSE Draw ellipse.
% DRAWELLIPSE(X,A,B,COLOR) draws an ellipse at X = [x y theta]
% with half axes A and B. Theta is the inclination angle of A,
% regardless if A is smaller or greater than B. COLOR is a
% [r g b]-vector or a color string such as 'r' or 'g'.
% H = DRAWELLIPSE(...) returns the graphic handle H.

% v.1.0-v.1.1, Aug.97-Jan.03, Kai Arras, ASL-EPFL
% v.1.2, 03.12.03, Kai Arras, CAS-KTH: (x,a,b) interface

function h = drawellipse(x,a,b,color);

% Constants
NPOINTS = 100; % point density or resolution

% Compose point vector
ivec = 0:2*pi/NPOINTS:2*pi; % index vector
p(1,:) = a*cos(ivec); % 2 x n matrix which
p(2,:) = b*sin(ivec); % hold ellipse points

% Translate and rotate
xo = x(1); yo = x(2); angle = x(3);
R = [cos(angle) -sin(angle); sin(angle) cos(angle)];
T = [xo; yo]*ones(1,length(ivec));
p = R*p + T;

% Plot
h = plot(p(1,:),p(2,:),'Color',color, 'linewidth', 2);
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/octave/tools/drawprobellipse.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
%DRAWPROBELLIPSE Draw elliptic probability region of a Gaussian in 2D.
% DRAWPROBELLIPSE(X,C,ALPHA,COLOR) draws the elliptic iso-probabi-
% lity contour of a Gaussian distributed bivariate random vector X
% at the significance level ALPHA. The ellipse is centered at X =
% [x; y] where C is the associated 2x2 covariance matrix. COLOR is
% a [r g b]-vector or a color string such as 'r' or 'g'.
% X and C can also be of size 3x1 and 3x3 respectively.
% For proper scaling, the function CHI2INVTABLE is employed to
% avoid the use of CHI2INV from the Matlab statistics toolbox.
% In case of a negative definite matrix C, the ellipse collapses
% to a line which is drawn instead.
% H = DRAWPROBELLIPSE(...) returns the graphic handle H.

% v.1.0-v.1.3, 97-Jan.03, Kai Arras, ASL-EPFL
% v.1.4, 03.12.03, Kai Arras, CAS-KTH: toolbox version

function h = drawprobellipse(x,C,alpha,color);

% Calculate unscaled half axes
sxx = C(1,1); syy = C(2,2); sxy = C(1,2);
a = sqrt(0.5*(sxx+syy+sqrt((sxx-syy)^2+4*sxy^2))); % always greater
b = sqrt(0.5*(sxx+syy-sqrt((sxx-syy)^2+4*sxy^2))); % always smaller

% Remove imaginary parts in case of neg. definite C
if ~isreal(a), a = real(a); end;
if ~isreal(b), b = real(b); end;

% Scaling in order to reflect specified probability
a = a*sqrt(chi2invtable(alpha,2));
b = b*sqrt(chi2invtable(alpha,2));

% Look where the greater half axis belongs to
if sxx < syy, swap = a; a = b; b = swap; end;

% Calculate inclination (numerically stable)
if sxx ~= syy,
angle = 0.5*atan(2*sxy/(sxx-syy));
elseif sxy == 0,
angle = 0; % angle doesn't matter
elseif sxy > 0,
angle = pi/4;
elseif sxy < 0,
angle = -pi/4;
x(3) = angle;

% Draw ellipse
h = drawellipse(x,a,b,color);
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions s8_fastslam/octave/tools/drawrobot.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
%DRAWROBOT Draw robot.
% DRAWROBOT(X,COLOR) draws a robot at pose X = [x y theta] such
% that the robot reference frame is attached to the center of
% the wheelbase with the x-axis looking forward. COLOR is a
% [r g b]-vector or a color string such as 'r' or 'g'.
% DRAWROBOT(X,COLOR,TYPE) draws a robot of type TYPE. Five
% different models are implemented:
% TYPE = 0 draws only a cross with orientation theta
% TYPE = 1 is a differential drive robot without contour
% TYPE = 2 is a differential drive robot with round shape
% TYPE = 3 is a round shaped robot with a line at theta
% TYPE = 4 is a differential drive robot with rectangular shape
% TYPE = 5 is a rectangular shaped robot with a line at theta
% DRAWROBOT(X,COLOR,TYPE,W,L) draws a robot of type TYPE with
% width W and length L in [m].
% H = DRAWROBOT(...) returns a column vector of handles to all
% graphic objects of the robot drawing. Remember that not all
% graphic properties apply to all types of graphic objects. Use
% FINDOBJ to find and access the individual objects.

% v.1.0, 16.06.03, Kai Arras, ASL-EPFL
% v.1.1, 12.10.03, Kai Arras, ASL-EPFL: uses drawrect
% v.1.2, 03.12.03, Kai Arras, CAS-KTH : types implemented

function h = drawrobot(varargin);

% Constants
DEFT = 2; % default robot type
DEFB = 0.4; % default robot width in [m], defines y-dir. of {R}
WT = 0.03; % wheel thickness in [m]
DEFL = DEFB+0.2; % default robot length in [m]
WD = 0.2; % wheel diameter in [m]
RR = WT/2; % wheel roundness radius in [m]
RRR = 0.04; % roundness radius for rectangular robots in [m]
HL = 0.09; % arrow head length in [m]
CS = 0.1; % cross size in [m], showing the {R} origin

% Input argument check
inputerr = 0;
switch nargin,
case 2,
xvec = varargin{1};
color = varargin{2};
type = DEFT;
case 3;
xvec = varargin{1};
color = varargin{2};
type = varargin{3};
case 5;
xvec = varargin{1};
color = varargin{2};
type = varargin{3};
B = varargin{4};
L = varargin{5};
inputerr = 1;

% Main switch statement
if ~inputerr,
x = xvec(1); y = xvec(2); theta = xvec(3);
T = [x; y];
R = [cos(theta), -sin(theta); sin(theta), cos(theta)];

switch type
case 0,
% Draw origin cross
p = R*[CS, -CS, 0, 0; 0, 0, -CS, CS] + T*ones(1,4); % horiz. line
h = plot(p(1,1:2),p(2,1:2),'Color',color,p(1,3:4),p(2,3:4),'Color',color);

case 1,
% Draw wheel pair with axis and arrow
xlw = [x+B/2*cos(theta+pi/2); y+B/2*sin(theta+pi/2); theta];
h1 = drawrect(xlw,WD,WT,RR,1,color); % left wheel
xlw = [x-B/2*cos(theta+pi/2); y-B/2*sin(theta+pi/2); theta];
h2 = drawrect(xlw,WD,WT,RR,1,color); % right wheel
% Draw axis cross with arrow
p = R*[0, 0; -B/2+WT/2, B/2-WT/2] + T*ones(1,2);
h3 = plot(p(1,:),p(2,:),'Color',color);
p = R*[L/2; 0] + T;
h4 = drawarrow(T,p,1,HL,color);
h = cat(1,h1,h2,h3,h4);

case 2,
% Draw wheel pair with axis and arrow
xlw = [x+B/2*cos(theta+pi/2); y+B/2*sin(theta+pi/2); theta];
h1 = drawrect(xlw,WD,WT,RR,1,color); % left wheel
xlw = [x-B/2*cos(theta+pi/2); y-B/2*sin(theta+pi/2); theta];
h2 = drawrect(xlw,WD,WT,RR,1,color); % right wheel
% Draw axis cross with arrow
p = R*[0, 0; -B/2+WT/2, B/2-WT/2] + T*ones(1,2);
h3 = plot(p(1,:),p(2,:),'Color',color);
p = R*[(B+WT)/2; 0] + T;
h4 = drawarrow(T,p,1,HL,color);
% Draw circular contour
radius = (B+WT)/2;
h5 = drawellipse(xvec,radius,radius,color);
h = cat(1,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5);

case 3,
% Draw circular contour
radius = (B+WT)/2;
h1 = drawellipse(xvec,radius,radius,color);
% Draw line with orientation theta with length radius
p = R*[(B+WT)/2;0] + T;
h2 = plot([T(1) p(1)],[T(2) p(2)],'Color',color,'linewidth',2);
h = cat(1,h1,h2);

case 4,
% Draw wheel pair with axis and arrow
xlw = [x+B/2*cos(theta+pi/2); y+B/2*sin(theta+pi/2); theta];
h1 = drawrect(xlw,WD,WT,RR,1,color); % left wheel
xlw = [x-B/2*cos(theta+pi/2); y-B/2*sin(theta+pi/2); theta];
h2 = drawrect(xlw,WD,WT,RR,1,color); % right wheel
% Draw axis cross with arrow
p = R*[0, 0; -B/2+WT/2, B/2-WT/2] + T*ones(1,2);
h3 = plot(p(1,:),p(2,:),'Color',color);
p = R*[L/2; 0] + T;
h4 = drawarrow(T,p,1,HL,color);
% Draw rectangular contour
h5 = drawrect(xvec,L,B,RRR,0,color);
h = cat(1,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5);

case 5,
% Draw rectangular contour
h1 = drawrect(xvec,L,B,RRR,0,color);
% Draw line with orientation theta with length L
p = R*[L/2; 0] + T;
h2 = plot([T(1) p(1)],[T(2) p(2)],'Color',color,'linewidth',2);
h = cat(1,h1,h2);

disp('drawrobot: Unsupported robot type'); h = [];
disp('drawrobot: Wrong number of input arguments'); h = [];

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