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Fornjot is an early-stage project to create a next-generation Code-CAD application. Because the world needs another CAD program.

Screenshot of Fornjot

For an introduction of what the project aims to achieve, please check out the website.


Fornjot is supported by @webtrax-oz, @lthiery, @Yatekii, @martindederer, @hobofan, @ahdinosaur, @thawkins, @nullstyle, @jessebraham, @Kethku, @sanxiyn, @seigel, @seanjensengrey, @jacobrosenthal, @MattOslin, @benwis, and my other awesome sponsors. Thank you!

Please consider supporting me too, to help make Fornjot sustainable long-term.


Fornjot is under active development, but still experimental. Efforts are currently focused on providing a stable set of basic CAD features.

If you are interested in Fornjot and are considering to use it, you should fully expect to run into limitation pretty much immediately. Unless you are willing to contribute to its development, it would be better to wait for a year or ten, to let it mature. For more information on current limitations and improvements that could be implemented in the near future, check out the open issues.

To learn what the direction is longer-term, refer to the feature wishlist.


Fornjot is both an application, as well as an ecosystem o