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Dependencies and Installation

tcstool edited this page Apr 25, 2014 · 4 revisions

The best way to obtain NoSQLMap is by cloning the Git repository:

git clone

NoSQLMap is developed in Python 2.7. The requirements for running NoSQLMap will vary depending on the use case, but to use all of the features of the tool the following will need to be installed (most will be installed by default):

  • Python dependencies: sys, string, random, os, time, httplib, urllib, urllib2, pymongo, subprocess, json, gridfs, ipcalc, signal, ast, datetime, hashlib.
  • A default installation of MongoDB (see here for installation instructions.)
  • A copy of the Metasploit Framework available here.

There is an experimental copy of a setup script available to aid with installation of dependencies on Debian and Red Hat based systems. This will not install the Metasploit Framework.

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