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CodeName - Duet

Game Session Service

Master Branch Coverage Quality Gate Status

This repository contains the CodeName-Duet Player Session Manager Service.

Manages the game session of a CodeName-Duet game:

  • Creates Game Sessions
  • Attaches a second player to a existing Game Session
  • Filter existing game sessions


An application expose 4 REST endpoints.

  • GET {baseURL}/gamesession/{sessionId} - gets single GameSession details (as Json) by its {sessionId}
  • POST {baseURL}/gamesession/ - creates a new GameSession based on the request of the id of the first player, which is passed in the BODY of the request
  • PUT {baseURL}/gamesession/{sessionId} - updates an existing GameSession with the id of the second player which is passed in the body of the request
  • GET {baseURL}/gamesession?playerId={playerId}&filter={filter} - gets all GameSession (as Json array) associated to a {playerId}, with an optional filter

If you run this application locally the {baseUrl} would be http:https://localhost:8071.

All available endpoints are listed on RestDocs UI page which can be entered, when application is running, under http:https://localhost:8071/docs/index.html URL.



Using H2 database

In order to run it use following command:

mvn clean spring-boot:run

Using MySql database

Before running the application make sure that you are running MySQL database on your local machine.

In order to run it use following command:

mvn clean spring-boot:run

Integration tests

In this project there are located several integration tests for REST endpoints during which H2 database is used. To run those tests activate Mavan -P integration-test profile:

mvn clean verify -P integration-test

This profile does two things — with build-helper-maven-plugin it enables Maven to find And with maven-failsafe-plugin it enables to run integration tests. integration test classes located in a separate directory — src/integration-test/java.

Continuous Integration pipeline

CI pipeline with GitHub Actions:

Whenever a push/commit to the master branch, the CI pipeline triggers the following steps:

  • compile the code
  • test it (both unit & integrations tests)
  • run static code analysis (SonarCloud)
  • create & publish artifact in the GitHub Packages repository
  • create & publish a Docker image with an application on the Docker Hub

In order for the CI pipeline work correctly we need the following secrets in GitHub Secrets. Go to GitHub project page, then Settings -> Secrets. There click on Add a new secret and add a new one.

  • SONAR_TOKEN -- Get it from project page. Go to dashboard page for your project, click on With other CI tools. On a new page for a question What is your build technology? select Maven. You will get a few properties needed along with the 'sonar.login' details.
  • DOCKER_USER -- The dockerhub username
  • DOCKER_REPO -- the reponame where the docker image will be push. It should follow the pattern username/project_name
  • DOCKER_PASS -- The dockerhub password