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mvictor55 edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Maple docs! See further information on our codebase and how to contribute in our sub-pages ---------> Maple is built on these technologies:

  • Typescript for the application and Python for data analysis
  • Next.js for the frontend's framework
    • styled-components and css modules for styling
    • React Bootstrap for the design system and component library
  • Storybook for UI component development
  • Firebase for the serverless backend
    • Firestore NoSQL Database for user and app data
    • Event-driven Node.js Cloud Functions for form submission and scraping
    • Authentication, Storage, and Pub/Sub too
  • Runtypes for validating Firestore documents
  • Typesense for bill and testimony search
  • Docker and Docker Compose for local backend development
  • Firebase Projects and Kubernetes for production deployments

For setup instructions, see the main Readme.

There are two deployed environments: dev ( and prod ( See Production environments for instructions on deploying to your own Firebase project.

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