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Scratch2 is a collection of minimal single-header libraries that implement base functionality. All header files can be included individually, the headers do not depend on each other.

To use any of these, you need to define S2_IMPL in one implementation file and include the files you need there. Note that this does not apply to some files where there is a generic implementation and therefore must be used purely as a header, for example s2list.h.


Provides the class s2::string to use as a normal string container. The most basic example would be:

#include <cstdio>
#include <s2string.h>

int main()
	s2::string test;
	test = "Hello, ";
	test += "world.";
	printf("%s\n", test.c_str());

	return 0;


Provides the class s2::list<T> to use as a container of multiple elements. The most basic example would be:

#include <cstdio>
#include <s2list.h>

int main()
	s2::list<int> test;

	for (int num : test) {
		printf("%d\n", num);

	return 0;

When using non-pointer type classes for T, be advised that when calling add(const T &), you are invoking the copy constructor. To avoid calling the copy constructor needlessly, you can also call add() without a parameter, which will add a new element using the default (empty) constructor, and return the instance.

When such items are removed from the list, the destructor will be called. Indeed, s2::list manages its own available memory for each element. This means that it's illegal to get a reference to an element and then proceed to remove it from the list.


Provides the class s2::dict<TKey, TValue> to use as a container of key/value pairs. The most basic example would be:

#include <cstdio>
#include <s2dict.h>

int main()
	s2::dict<int, int> test;
	test[10] = 100;
	test[20] = 200;
	test[30] = 300;
	printf("%d, %d, %d\n", test[10], test[20], test[30]);

	return 0;

Read the note above about non-pointer type classes for s2list.h, as this also applies to this class. The only difference here is that it is applied to both the key and the value.


Provides the class s2::ref<T> to use as a reference counted pointer. The most basic example would be:

#include <cstdio>
#include <s2ref.h>

struct Foo {};

int main()
	s2::ref<Foo> test;
		s2::ref<Foo> test2 = new Foo;
		test = test2;
	printf("%d @ %p\n", test.count(), test.ptr());

	return 0;


Provides a container for executable functions. The most basic example would be:

#include <cstdio>
#include <s2func.h>

int main()
	int num = 0;
	s2::func<void()> func = [&num]() {
		num += 10;

	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

	printf("num = %d\n", num);
	return 0;


Provides the class s2::file to use for primitive reading and writing to files on disk. The most basic example would be:

#include <s2file.h>

int main()
	int number = 10;

	s2::file test("test.bin");;
	test.write(&number, sizeof(number));

	return 0;

Also included are the following functions:

bool s2::file_exists(const char* filename);
size_t s2::file_size(const char* filename);


Provides the class s2::fiber to use for fiber scheduling. The most basic example would be:

#include <cstdio>
#include <s2fiber.h>

static void fiber_func(s2::fiber &fib)
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		printf("Fiber tick %d\n", i);

int main()
	s2::fiber fib(fiber_func);

	while (!fib.isfinished()) {
		printf("Not finished yet..\n");

	return 0;

Note that on Mac OS, you are currently required to build with -D_XOPEN_SOURCE.


Provides functions for unit testing. The most basic example would be:

#include <s2test.h>

int main()

	S2_TEST(true == true);
	S2_TEST(false == false);


	return s2::test_retval();

Tests can also be grouped by simply calling s2::test_group(const char* group) before each group of S2_TEST() macros.


  • Ability to replace standard lib functions such as malloc, printf, and fopen with custom functions
  • Consider string using stack memory for short strings


Scratch2 is MIT licensed.


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