Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator
Small and low cost FPGA educational and development board
Low-cost LS/FS/HS USB sniffer with Wireshark interface
STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32L4 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis…
这是一个基于Zynq7010的Eink控制器 在ED097TC2上高质量显示帧数高达10FPS
Nusbio hardware and software plateform for Windows and .NET. Gpio, SPI and I2C.
DDR3 Controller v1.65, 16 read/write ports, configurable widths, priority, auto-burst size & cache on each port. VGA/HDMI multiwindow video controller with alpha-blended layers. Docs & TBs included.
Redesigned hardware of adamgreig's fpga/flash programmer
Altera USB Blaster porting to Artery AT32F425 and WCH CH32V203.
Official OpenOCD Read-Only Mirror (no pull requests)
Use a raspberry pi pico (rp2040) as a logic analyzer and oscilloscope with sigrok
24 channel, 100Msps logic analyzer hardware and software
i2c to usb hid multi touch with stm32
Binary blob for Anlogic USB-JTAG adapter (temporary), We should figure out much better solution next year.
A low cost small size USB dev board based on WCH CH552.
FTDI EEPROM dumps for common JTAG FPGA programmers
DAPLink (CMSIS-DAP) porting to Artery AT32F425, WCH CH32V203, WCH CH32V305, Nuvoton M482 and Nuvoton M484.
FPGA gateware and pre-build bitstreams that expose SPI over JTAG. The protocol is implemented (among others) by openocd.