Authors: Wei Xu and Alan Ritter
Contact: [email protected]
Source code of the Multiple-instance Learning Paraphrase (MultiP) Model in the following paper:
"Extracting Lexically Divergent Paraphrases from Twitter"
Wei Xu, Alan Ritter, Chris Callison-Burch, William B. Dolan and Yangfeng Ji
In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL) 2014
The package contains the following folders and scripts:
./src/ source code for MultiP, in Scala and Java
./data/ the train/dev/test data & word significance data used in topical features in the paper
build.sbt the config file for Simple Build Tool (sbt) the script that compiles and runs MultiP
The package requires sbt and Scalala.
To install sbt:
download it from and follow the instructions on its website to install
To install Scalala:
download it by "git clone"
then type "sbt publish-local" under the /Scalala/ directory
either type "sbt run" or "./" only difference is that allocates memory space
The directory ./src/main/ contains the source code for MultiP organized as follows:
./src/main/java/* external packages from MIT/Sussex/UW for stemming, string similarity etc.
./src/main/scala/* core code for MultiP
Main.scala the entrance of the program that trains and tests (main evaluation function) the MultiP model
MultiP.scala the main class of the MultiP algorithms and parameters
Eval.scala the secondary evaluation functions that monitors the training progress
WordSentencePairs.scala the main data structure, which reads in from data files and extract features.
Vocab.scala mapping tables for converting string type of data to compact vector representation
Helper.scala some minor functions to assist preprocessing the data
Common.scala some minor functions to assist computing efficiency
PINC.scala additional evaluation metric PINC (not required to run MultiP)
feature/*.scala functions to extract various features
com/* external package for string metrics
The dataset contains the following files:
./data/ (13063 sentence pairs)
./data/ ( 4727 sentence pairs)
./data/ ( 972 sentence pairs)
./data/trends.test.wordsig (precomputed to create topic-level features)
./data/trends.train.wordsig (precomputed to create topic-level features)
Notice that the train and dev data is collected from the same time period and same trending topics. In the evaluation later, we will test the system on data collected from a different time period.
Both train/dev data files come in the tab-separated format. Each line contains 6 columns:
Topic_Id | Topic_Name | Sent_1 | Sent_2 | Label | Sent_1_tag | Sent_2_tag |
The "Trending_Topic_Name" are the names of trends provided by Twitter, which are not hashtags.
The "Sent_1" and "Sent_2" are the two sentences, which are not necessarily full tweets. Tweets were tokenized by Brendan O'Connor et al.'s toolkit (ICWSM 2010) and split into sentences.
The "Sent_1_tag" and "Sent_2_tag" are the two sentences with part-of-speech and named entity tags by Alan Ritter et al.'s toolkit (RANLP 2013, EMNLP 2011).
The "Label" column is in a format such like "(1, 4)", which means among 5 votes from Amazon Mechanical turkers only 1 is positive and 4 are negative. We would suggest map them to binary labels as follows:
paraphrases: (3, 2) (4, 1) (5, 0)
non-paraphrases: (1, 4) (0, 5)
debatable: (2, 3) which were discard in our experiments
The test data contains an extra column of expert labels. It is a single digit between
between 0 (no relation) and 5 (semantic equivalence), annotated by expert.
We would suggest map them to binary labels as follows:
paraphrases: 4 or 5
non-paraphrases: 0 or 1 or 2
debatable: 3 (which we discarded in Paraphrase Identification evaluation)