LPM is a package manager for the Lua language, designed to be flexible, extensible and easy to use.
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Last Commit (lib-lpm)
Usage: lpm <command> [... args]
├── init: Iniializes a packages.toml with basic information
├── install: Finds and installs a packages.toml
├── add: Adds a new package
├── remove: Removes a module
├── audit: Checks the integrity of all installed packages
├── show: Displays information about a package
└── purge: Uninstalls lua_modules
--help [-h]: Show this screen.
init: Initializes a packages.toml file.
install: Finds a packages.toml file and installs all modules in it.
--recursive [-r]: Installs all packages.toml files recursively, starting at the current directory.
add <package_name>: Installs a package
--global [-g]: Install package globally. Only available for compiled packages.
--version: Install specific version of this package.
--lua-version=<lua-version>: Installs the latest version of this package compliant with this lua version.
remove <package_name>: Removes a package
--global [-g]: Removes package globally. Only available for compiled packages.
--version: Removes specific version of this package.
audit: Checks the integrity of all installed packages in the current directory.
--recursive [-r]: Does the above but recursively, starting at current directory.
show <package_name>: Displays information about a package
--global [-g]: Displays information about a package globally. Only available for compiled packages.
--version: Displays information about a specific version of this package.
purge: Uninstalls all lua_modules
--recursive [-r]: Uninstalls all lua_modules recursively, starting at current directory.