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cmerikson authored Sep 7, 2023
1 parent 1156643 commit f2b427c
Showing 1 changed file with 198 additions and 0 deletions.
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions Transport Shiny.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@

ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Data Processing App"),
# Explanatory text using HTML
HTML("<p>This app calculates the distance moved for each subsequent survey date and the total distance moved in meters.<p>
<p>Store all data in one folder and enter the path to this folder. Do not include quotation marks in the path name.<p>
<p>Files may be a combination of .csv or .xlsx. A .shp centerline must be included as well.<p>
<p>Specify the CRS value used to record tracer locations and ensure it matches the projection of the stream centerline. The default in WGS84 UTM Zone 18N.</p>
<p> Dates must begin with MM/DD/YY format but may include further time specifications.<p>
<p>After processing, results in the table can be downloaded.</p>"),
textInput("folder_path", "Enter Folder Path:", value = ""),
textInput("crs", "Enter CRS:", value = "32618"),
actionButton("process_data", "Process Data"),
downloadButton("download_transport", "Download Transport Table") # Add download button
# Tab for displaying the output table
tabPanel("Output Table", tableOutput("table")),

# Tab for displaying the plot
tabPanel("Plot", plotlyOutput("plot"))

server <- function(input, output) {
transport_data <- reactiveVal(NULL)
plotly_obj <- reactiveVal(NULL)

observeEvent(input$process_data, {
# Get user inputs
folder_path <- input$folder_path
crs_string <- input$crs


# Function to list files in folder
list_full = function(folder_path){
csv_files <<- list.files(folder_path, pattern='csv', full.names=T)
xlsx_files <<- list.files(folder_path, pattern='xlsx', full.names=T)
shapefiles <<- list.files(folder_path, pattern='shp', full.names=T)

#Call function to list files

# Function to read files in a folder
files = lapply(csv_files, fread)
Data = rbindlist(files)

# Include Excel files
if (length(xlsx_files)>0) {
excel = lapply(xlsx_files, read.xlsx)
excel = setDT(excel)
if (typeof(excel) == 'list') {
excel = rbindlist(excel)
Data = rbind(Data,excel)

# Test formatting
date_check = function(data) {
dates = as.character(data[,(substr(GPSTime,start=1,stop=8))])
pattern = "^\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$"
results = ifelse(sapply(dates, grepl, pattern=pattern), 0, 1)
stop("Error: At least one date is not in %m/%d/%y format.")}


# Read shapefile
centerline = read_sf(shapefiles[endsWith(shapefiles,'shp')])
centerline = st_set_crs(centerline, crs_string)

# Clean Data
Data = Data[,c('GPSTime','Latitude','Longitude','Northing','Easting','Comment')]

# Determine repeat observations
Data = Data[,count:=.N,by='Comment']

# Function to get Survey Dates from column with date and time
survey_dates = function (table) {
surveys = list((strsplit(Data$GPSTime,' ')))
surveys = rbindlist(surveys)
surveys = transpose(surveys)
surveys <<- unique(surveys$V1)

# Call survey date function

# Create sf object of Data
sf_Data = st_as_sf(Data,coords = c('Easting','Northing'),crs=crs_string)

# Snap tracers to centerline
Data = Data[,Location:=(st_snap(sf_Data$geometry,centerline,2))]

# Adjust table to output format
adjust_table = function(data) {
Movement = copy(data)
Movement = Movement[,Date:=(substr(GPSTime,start=1,stop=8))]
Movement = Movement[,c('Comment','Date','Location','count')]
Movement = unique(Movement,by=c('Comment','Date'))
Movement = dcast(Movement,formula = Comment ~ Date, value.var = 'Location', fun.aggregate = NULL)
date_order = order(as.Date(surveys,format="%m/%d/%y"))
surveys = surveys[date_order]
Movement <<- Movement


# Define a function to calculate distances
distance <- function(data) {
Transport <- data.table()
comment <- data[['Comment']]
data <- data[, !'Comment', with = FALSE]
data <- st_as_sf(data)

num_cols <- ncol(data)

for (i in 1:(num_cols - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):num_cols) {
col1 <- data[[i]]
col2 <- data[[j]]
new_col_name <- paste0(names(data)[i], "_", names(data)[j], "_Distance")

# Initialize an empty vector to store distances
distances <- numeric(length(col1))

# Calculate distances for all pairs of values in col1 and col2
for (k in 1:length(col1)) {
distances[k] <- ifelse(st_is_empty(col1[k]) | st_is_empty(col2[k]), NA_real_, st_distance(col1[k], col2[k]))

# Add the distances to the Transport table
Transport[, (new_col_name) := distances]

# Combine comment and Transport into a single table
Transport <<- cbind(comment, Transport)

Transport = Transport[,TotalDistance:=rowSums(Transport[,2:16],na.rm=T)]


# Create the ggplot object
river_map <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = centerline) +
geom_sf(data = sf_Data, aes(color = as.character(year(as.Date(substr(GPSTime, start = 1, stop = 8), format = '%m/%d/%y'))))) +
scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") +
labs(x = 'Easting (m)', y = 'Northing (m)', color = 'Year') +
theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, vjust=1, hjust=1))

# Convert ggplot to a Plotly plot
plotly_obj(ggplotly(river_map, width = 800, height = 600))

# For rendering a table, you can use:
output$table <- renderTable({

# Render the Plotly plot
output$plot <- renderPlotly({

# Define a download handler for the download button
output$download_transport <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste("Transport_Table_", Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep = "")
content = function(file) {
write.csv(transport_data(), file)

shinyApp(ui, server)

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