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This is my main website where I host all of the things I do and make. For a time, everything was always posted on different social media websites in a disjounted manner that made it impossible to see or find what I actually wanted to share with people. In a time where social media is in turmoil, I believe it is important to create and host your own website, free from the cluthces of the Elon Musks of the world.

This repository is publicly available for anyone to fork and use as their own website, and/or edit to their liking. Be forewarned, I use a lot of joke-y text in my html/css code for tech savvy people to find and giggle about.

I'm always working on cleaning up the website, as I have many issues I want to resolve, and I've left a lot of things behind in thousands of edits that probably still need to be cleaned up.

If you spot anything that you think could be removed, trimmed, or edited, feel free to submit a pull request.
