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include figure generation script. Reduce span of local regression for…
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cmdoret committed Aug 7, 2018
1 parent d4e2c51 commit 64d668c
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Showing 2 changed files with 211 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/assoc_mapping/chrom_types.R
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wsize_range <- 30 # Size of the moving average window
sp_range <- 0.60 # Proportion of SNPs to be included in each local regression
sp_range <- 0.40 # Proportion of SNPs to be included in each local regression
# wsize_range <- seq(5, 40, 1)
# sp_range <- seq(0.15, 1, 0.01)

Expand Down
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions src/misc/figures.R
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library(tidyverse); library(ggrepel); library(viridis); library(hexbin); library(zoo)

ploid <- read_tsv('d20_fixed.tsv', col_names=T)
indv <- read_tsv('individuals.tsv', col_names=T)
fix0 <- read_tsv('grouped_outpool_prophom.tsv', col_names=T)
tig_sizes <- read_tsv('tig.sizes.txt', col_names=F)
assoc_snp <- read_tsv('assoc_mapping/case_control_all.tsv', col_names=T)
assoc_tig <- read_tsv('assoc_mapping/unanchored_all.tsv', col_names=T)
win_pi <- read_tsv('wgs/win_w100_t10_PI.tsv', col_names = F) %>%
rename(Chr = X1, Start = X2, End = X3, Pi = X4)

signif <- 10^-5
zoom <- 10^6

### Fig. 2: Manhattan plot
# Note: fisher variable = log10 of BH-corrected p-values from the fisher exact test

ggplot(data=assoc_snp, aes(x=BP/zoom, y=fisher)) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
facet_grid(~Chr, space='free_x', scales = 'free_x') +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=-log10(signif)), lty=2, col='red') + xlab("Genomic position (Mb)") +
ylab("-log10 p-value") + ggtitle("Case-control association test for CSD") +
ylim(c(0,10)) + theme_bw() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = function(x) unique(floor(pretty(seq(0, (max(x) + 1) * 1.1)))))

### Fig. S1: Ploidy separation
combined <- ploid %>% select(-Sex)
ggplot(data=ploid, aes(x=HOM, fill=Sex)) +
geom_histogram(data=combined, fill='grey', binwidth = 0.01) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=0.9), col='red', lty=2) +
theme_minimal() +
facet_grid(Sex~.) +
xlab("Proportion of homozygous SNPs") +
ylab("Number of individuals")

### Fig. S2: Hits on unanchored contigs

viz_cont <- tig_sizes %>%
rename(Chr=X1, size=X2) %>%
arrange(-size) %>%
filter(Chr %in% unique(assoc_tig$Chr)) %>%
mutate(cumSize = lag(cumsum(size), default=0),
idx = 1:n(),
colVal = idx %% 2 + 1) %>%
inner_join(., assoc_tig, by="Chr") %>%
arrange(-size) %>%
group_by(Chr) %>%
mutate(sig_chr = ifelse(any(fisher > -log10(signif)), yes = 1, no = 0),
show_name = case_when(fisher > -log10(signif) ~ Chr, TRUE ~ ""))

rects <- viz_cont %>%
filter(!duplicated(Chr), idx %% 2) %>%
mutate(start = cumSize, end = cumSize + size) %>%
select(Chr, start, end)

ggplot(data=viz_cont, aes(x=(cumSize+BP)/zoom, y=fisher, col=as.factor(sig_chr))) +
geom_rect(data=rects, inherit.aes = F, aes(xmin=start/zoom, xmax=end/zoom, ymin=0, ymax=10), fill="grey80", alpha=0.4) +
geom_point() +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=-log10(signif)), lty=2, col='red') +
geom_text_repel(aes(label=show_name),nudge_x=sample(1:2),nudge_y=sample(0.3:0.5), point.padding = 0.5) +
xlab("Genomic position [Mb]") + ylab("-log10 p-value") +
ggtitle("Case-control association test for CSD: Unordered contigs") +
ylim(c(0,10)) + theme_bw() + guides(col=F) +

### Fig. S3: Manhattan with male heterozygosity and centimorgans

ggplot(data=assoc_snp, aes(x=cM, y=fisher)) +
geom_point(aes(col=effect_str), size = 2) +
facet_grid(~Chr, space='free_x', scales = 'free_x') +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=-log10(signif)), lty=2, col='red') + xlab("Genetic distance (cM)") +
ylab("-log10 p-value") + ggtitle("Case-control association test for CSD") +
ylim(c(0,10)) +
theme_bw() +
guides(col=guide_colorbar(title="Het. males")) +

### Fig. S4: Centromeres location
wsize_range <- 50
sp_range <- 0.40

fix <- fix0[fix0$N.Samples>0,]
fix$Chr <- as.factor(fix$Chr)
fix <- fix[grep("chr.*",fix$Chr),]
fix$Chr <- droplevels(fix$Chr)

# Sliding means
centrolist <- list()
centrolist[['slideMean']] <- data.frame(pos = rep(0,6), Chr=levels(fix$Chr), val=rep(0,6))
store_means <- data.frame(BP=numeric(0),Chr=numeric(0),S.Mean=numeric(0))
for(chrom in levels(fix$Chr)){
for(w in wsize_range){
HOM = zoo(fix$Prop.Hom[fix$Chr==chrom], = fix$BP[fix$Chr==chrom])
sliMean = rollapply(HOM, width=w, by=1, FUN=mean, partial=F)
bp_idx = index(sliMean)
centrolist$slideMean$pos[centrolist$slideMean$Chr==chrom] <- bp_idx[which(sliMean==min(sliMean, na.rm=T))]
centrolist$slideMean$val[centrolist$slideMean$Chr==chrom] <- sliMean[sliMean==min(sliMean, na.rm=T)]
tmp_df <- data.frame(BP=bp_idx, Chr=rep(chrom), S.Mean=sliMean)
store_means <- rbind(store_means,tmp_df)

# Local regressions

# Allows to try all different values of span in a range.
centrolist[['loess']] <- data.frame(pos = rep(0,6), Chr=levels(fix$Chr), val=rep(0,6))
for(chrom in levels(fix$Chr)){
for(sp in sp_range){
mod <- loess(data=fix[fix$Chr==chrom,], degree=2,
formula=Prop.Hom~BP, weights=N.Samples, span=sp, model=T)
centrolist$loess$pos[centrolist$loess$Chr==chrom] <- mod$x[mod$fitted==min(mod$fitted)]
centrolist$loess$val[centrolist$loess$Chr==chrom] <- min(mod$fitted)

#==== VISUALIZE ====#
# Will only run if the user chose one single value for each parameter.
zoomfactor <- 1000000 # For aesthetics
LoessPlot <- ggplot(fix, aes(x=BP/zoomfactor, y=Prop.Hom, weight=N.Samples)) +
facet_grid(~Chr, scales = 'free_x',space='free_x') +
geom_point(col='grey66',aes(size=N.Samples), alpha=0.4) +
geom_smooth(aes(col='Local regression'),
method='loess', span=sp_range, fill='#EE9999') +
xlab("Genomic position (Mb)") + ylab("Homozygosity") +
y=0, yend=val, col='Local regression'),
lty=2, lwd=1.1, inherit.aes = F) +
theme_bw() +
geom_line(data=store_means, aes(x=BP/zoomfactor, y=S.Mean, col='Moving average'), lwd=1.1, inherit.aes = F) +
geom_segment(data=centrolist$slideMean, aes(x=pos/zoomfactor,xend=pos/zoomfactor,
y=0, yend=val, col='Moving average'),
lty=2, lwd=0.9, inherit.aes = F) + scale_size_continuous(range = c(0,5))+
scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
guides(color=guide_legend(title="Method",override.aes=list(fill=NA))) +
geom_point(data=centrolist$slideMean, aes(x=pos/zoomfactor, y=0, col='Moving average'), inherit.aes = F, size=2) +
geom_point(data=centrolist$loess, aes(x=pos/zoomfactor, y=0, col='Local regression'), inherit.aes = F, size=2)


### Fig. S5: Recombination rate along genome
assoc_snp <- assoc_snp %>%
group_by(Chr) %>%
arrange(BP) %>%
mutate(idx = 1:n())

ggplot(data=assoc_snp, aes(x=idx, y=cM)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
facet_grid(~Chr) +
xlab("SNP rank") +
ylab("Genetic (cM)")

### Fig. S6: PI nucleotidic diversity

hit_region <- assoc_snp %>%
filter(fisher >= 5) %>%
mutate(left = BP - 500,
right = BP + 500)

ggplot(data=win_pi, aes(x=(Start + End)/(2*zoom), y=Pi)) +
facet_wrap(~Chr, scales='free_x') +
stat_bin_hex(bins=100) +
theme_bw() +
scale_fill_viridis() +
geom_rect(data=hit_region, aes(xmin=left/zoom, xmax=right/zoom,
ymin=0, ymax=max(win_pi$Pi, na.rm=T)),
fill="red", alpha=0.3, inherit.aes = F) +
xlab("Genomic position [Mb]") +
ylab("Pi nucleotidic diversity (100bp windows)")

pval <- c()
hit_win <- data.frame()
for(hit in 1:nrow(hit_region)){
overlap <- win_pi[win_pi$Chr == pull(hit_region[hit, 'Chr']) &
abs(((win_pi$Start + win_pi$End) / 2) - pull(hit_region[hit, 'BP'])) < 500,]
hit_win <- bind_rows(hit_win, overlap)

pval <- append(pval, wilcox.test(overlap$Pi,
win_pi$Pi[win_pi$Chr == pull(hit_region[hit, 'Chr'])])$p.value)
hit_region$pval<- pval

ggplot(data=win_pi, aes(x=log10(Pi))) +
geom_histogram(binwidth=0.01, aes(y=..density..)) +
geom_histogram(data=hit_win, binwidth=0.01,
aes(x = log10(Pi), y = -..density..), fill='red') +

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