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Sciuro is a bridge between Alertmanager and Kubernetes to sync alerts as Node Conditions. It is designed to work in tandem with other controllers that observe Node Conditions such as draino or the cluster-api.


  • Alertmanager API v2
  • Kubernetes 1.12+


  1. Download the manifests from the latest Github release
  1. Apply the cluster-scoped resources that allow Sciuro to read nodes and modify their status. If you choose a different namespace, adjust the namespace name and ClusterRoleBinding accordingly.
# Review manifests and make adjustments for different namespace
kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml
  1. Edit the sciuro ConfigMap referencing the Sciuro Configuration section below. Apply the namespaced resources.
# Review manifests and make adjustments to config map
kubectl apply -f stable.yaml

Sciuro Configuration

The following environment variables can be set to configure Sciuro. Modifying the supplied ConfigMap will set the environment variables on the Deployment.

Alerts Fetch Configuration

You must set the URL for the Alertmanager instance to sync from. In addition, filtering should be configured both on a global level and for each specific node. The Alertmanager reciever should be set to filter globally, while the node filters are set for matching alerts to a specific node.

# AlertmanagerURL is the url for the Alertmanager instance to sync from

# AlertReceiver is the receiver to use for server-side filtering of alerts
# must be the same across all targeted nodes in the cluster

# NodeFiltersTemplate is a golang template resulting in list of filters (comma separated)
# to use for each node. These filters are logically OR'd
# for associating alerts to a node. There are two valid variables available for substitution
# FullName and ShortName where ShortName is FullName upto the first . (dot)
SCIURO_NODE_FILTERS: "instance=~({{.FullName}}|{{.ShortName}})"

Some additional optional settings are as follows:

# AlertSilenced controls whether silenced alerts are retrieved from Alertmanager

# AlertCacheTTL is the time between fetching alerts

Reconciliation Configuration

The following are optional settings to configure how reconciliation with the Kubernetes node resources behaves

# NodeResync is the period at which a node fully syncs with the current alerts

# ReconcileTimeout is the maximum time given to reconcile a node.

# LingerResolvedDuration is the time that non-firing alerts are kept as conditions
# with the False status. After this time, the condition will be removed entirely.
# A value of 0 will never remove these conditions.

Miscellaneous Configuration

To change the address and port to serve metrics from:

# MetricsAddr is the address and port to serve metrics from

# DevMode toggles additional logging information

# LeaderElectionNamespace is the namespace where the leader election config map will be
# managed. Defaults to the current namespace.

# LeaderElectionID is the name of the configmap used to manage leader elections
SCIURO_LEADER_ID: "sciuro-leader"

Alertmanager Configuration

Sciuro is recommended to have its own Alertmanager reciever. Since Sciuro works in a pull model currently, this receiver does not need to push anywhere and can simply be an empty receiver. In addition, a route needs to be setup to match alerts to this receiver. There are many configurations that will achieve the above, however the below is one example partial Alertmanager configuration that allows alerts with a notify: node-condition-k8s label to be picked up by Sciuro:

    - match_re:
        notify: (?:.*\s+)?node-condition-k8s(?:\s+.*)?
      receiver: node-condition-k8s
      continue: true

  - name: node-condition-k8s

Creating alerts

Assuming Prometheus as a source of alerts, an alert like the following can be created to add a condition to nodes for high uptime:

alert: NodeUpTooLong
expr: (time() - node_boot_time_seconds) / 60 / 60 / 24 > 7
  notify: node-condition-k8s
  priority: "8"
  description: Node '{{ $labels.instance }}' has been up for more than 7 days
  summary: Node '{{ $labels.instance }}' uptime too long

With this alert in place, conditions are added to the affected nodes:

$ kubectl get node worker01 -o json | jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.type | test("^AlertManager_"))'
  "lastHeartbeatTime": "2021-06-16T16:07:10Z",
  "lastTransitionTime": "2021-06-16T15:34:07Z",
  "message": "[P8] Node 'worker01' uptime too long",
  "reason": "AlertIsFiring",
  "status": "True",
  "type": "AlertManager_NodeUpTooLong"


Sciuro is built and tested with bazel. To run tests:

make test

To build and push images, define the docker repository base with the run of the manifests targets:

bazel run --define  //manifests:cluster > /tmp/cluster.yaml
bazel run --define  //manifests:stable > /tmp/stable.yaml