Torchy is a neural network framework implemented only using NumPy and based on PyTorch API but with manual backpropogation calculations. The main idea was to build a neural network from scratch for educational purposes.
pip install torchy-nn
I suggest you to take a look at currently implemented stuff to be familiar with current possibilities for building neural network models with Torchy. Also I've created package structure in case if you stuck where to get specific layers.
First we can define our model using Torchy with its PyTorch-like API
import torchy.nn as nn # Same as torch.nn
# Define 2-layer wtth 100 neurons hidden layer.
model = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(n_input=10, n_output=100),
nn.Linear(n_input=100, n_output=2)
Next step is to create instances of optimizer and criterion for loss function and scheduler for fun
import torchy.optimizers as optim
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.params(), lr=1e-3)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
scheduler = optim.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=10)
I won't cover whole training process like loops and stuff, just show you main differences while training
predictions = model(X) # Nothing changed
loss, grad = criterion(predictions, y) # Now return tuple of (loss, grad) instead of only loss
model.backward(grad) # Call backward on model object and pass gradient from loss as argument
Every neural network module is provided with unit test that verify correctness of forward and backward passes.
Execute the following command in your project directory to run the tests.
pytest -v
The demo notebook showcases what Torchy currently can do.
It seems to me that I've completed all the modules that I wanted to code, but there are still some unfinished points, here are some of them:
- Dataset, DataLoader & Sampler;
- Transformer;
- Fix regularization;
- Autograd (as new git branch)
The opportunity to create such a project was given to me thanks to these people