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Starred repositories
Bitwarden infrastructure/backend (API, database, Docker, etc).
Ansible 介紹與實作 (Inventory、Playbooks、Module、Template、Handlers)
phpLDAPadmin - Web based LDAP administration tool
Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
Unofficial Microsoft Teams for Linux client
The COSCUP volunteer platform is an online tool that allows interested individuals to register as volunteers for the conference, and a way for volunteers to communicate with each other and with the…
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
yum Configs and basic docs for Software Collections as delivered via the CentOS SCLo SIG.
Contains Zabbix Powerautomate media types
Python lib to move from ConnectorCards to AdaptiveCards in MS Teams
by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
Highlight patterns in text. Part of 'mini.nvim' library.
The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem
Code outline sidebar powered by LSP. Forked from symbols-outline.nvim.
yq is a portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
🚧 Ansible Language Server codebase is now included in vscode-ansible repository
vscode/vscodium extension for providing Ansible auto-completion and integrating quality assurance tools like ansible-lint, ansible syntax check, yamllint, molecule and ansible-test.
Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.
A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
chusiang / lazyvimrc
Forked from LazyVim/starterStarter template for LazyVim