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Supplementary materials for Quince et al. Metagenome analysis Review

The data sets used in our evaluation are linked below. These were subsampled to 25M paired reads from the original studies:

Gut sample forward

Gut sample reverse

HMP Mock community forward

HMP Mock community reverse

Env Mock community forward

Env Mock community reverse

Soil sample forward

Soil sample reverse

Ocean sample forward

Ocean sample reverse

Gut and HMP mock sample: HMP The Human Microbiome Project Consortium. Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome. Nature 486, 207-214 (2012)

Env mock community: D'Amore, R. et al. A comprehensive benchmarking study of protocols and sequencing platforms for 16S rRNA community profiling. BMC Genomics 17, 55, doi:10.1186/s12864-015-2194-9 (2016)

Ocean sample: Sunagawa S, Coelho LP, Chaffron S, Kultima JR, Labadie K, Salazar G et al. (2015). Ocean plankton. Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome. Science 348: 1261359

Ofek-Lalzar, M. et al. Niche and host-associated functional signatures of the root surface microbiome. Nature communications 5, 4950, doi:10.1038/ncomms5950 (2014).

Assembly based metagenomics analysis

This analysis regenerates the results in the left panel of Figure 3. The results will not be identical due to some differences in software principally the switch from idba_ud to megahit for the assembly step. This was changed for reasons of efficiency.

We took twenty samples from healthy control children and those with Crohn's disease from a larger study looking at the effect of a treatment (EEN) on the Crohn's microbiota [Quince et al. 2015] ( The sequences comprised a combination of MiSeq 2X250bp and HiSeq 2X150bp paired end reads. The sequences used in this tutorial can be downloaded here.

Reads were trimmed and filtered with sickle to remove sequencing adaptors and regions with an average quality of < 20. Human DNA was then removed using DeconSeq. The minimum and maximum read numbers following trimming and filtering were 2,456,000 and 14,720,000 respectively with a median of 7,797,000.

We are now going to perform a basic assembly based metagenomics analysis of these same samples. This will involve a collection of different software programs:

  1. megahit: A highly efficient metagenomics assembler currently our default for most studies

  2. bwa: Necessary for mapping reads onto contigs

  3. [samtools] ( Utilities for processing mapped files

  4. CONCOCT: Our own contig binning algorithm

  5. [prodigal] ( Used for calling genes on contigs

  6. [gnu parallel] ( Used for parallelising rps-blast

  7. [standalone blast] ( Needs rps-blast

  8. [COG RPS database] (ftp: Cog databases

  9. [GFF python parser] (


Create an example directory to work in:

mkdir ~/Example
cd ~/Example

Begin by downloading the reads:

tar -xvzf Reads.tar.gz

We will then perform a co-assembly of these samples using megahit. First we need to get a comma separated list of forward and reverse read files:

ls Reads/*R1*fasta | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$//' > R1.csv
ls Reads/*R2*fasta | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$//' > R2.csv

Then set assembler running may take several hours...

nohup megahit -1 $(<R1.csv) -2 $(<R2.csv) -t 96 -o Assembly > megahit.out&

We can have a look at how good the assembly was: < Assembly/final.contigs.fa

Output should be similar too:

sequence #: 863051	total length: 942845899	max length: 490055	N50: 1959	N90: 397

Not bad, a N50 of 1959bp. All scripts are available in this repo in the scripts dir. They will need to be added to your path though.

We will now perform CONCOCT binning of these contigs. As explained in Alneberg et al. there are good reasons to cut up contigs prior to binning. We will use a script from CONCOCT to do this. For convenience we will create an environmental variables that points to the CONCOCT install directory and the scripts directory of the repo change as appropriate:

export CONCOCT=~/Installed/CONCOCT
export METAG=/mnt/data-chris/chris/Projects/metag-rev-sup/scripts


First we cut up contigs and place in new dir:

mkdir contigs
python $CONCOCT/scripts/ -c 10000 -o 0 -m Assembly/final.contigs.fa > contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa

Having cut-up the contigs the next step is to map all the reads from each sample back onto them. First index the contigs with bwa:

cd contigs
bwa index final_contigs_c10K.fa
cd ..

Then perform the actual mapping you may want to put this in a shell script and adjust the number of threads according to your resources:

mkdir Map

for file in Reads/*R1.fasta
    bwa mem -t 64 contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa $file Reads/${stub}_R2.fasta > Map/${stub}.sam
    echo $stub

Then we need to calculate our contig lengths.

python $METAG/ -i contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa > contigs/final_contigs_c10K.len

Then we calculate coverages for each contig in each sample:

for file in Map/*.sam
    echo $stub	
    samtools view -h -b -S $file > ${stub}.bam 
    samtools view -b -F 4 ${stub}.bam > ${stub}.mapped.bam
    samtools sort ${stub}.mapped.bam -o ${stub}.mapped.sorted
    bedtools genomecov -ibam ${stub}.mapped.sorted -g contigs/final_contigs_c10K.len > ${stub}_cov.txt

and use awk to aggregate the output of bedtools:

for i in Map/*_cov.txt 
   echo $i
   echo $stub
   awk -F"\t" '{l[$1]=l[$1]+($2 *$3);r[$1]=$4} END {for (i in l){print i","(l[i]/r[i])}}' $i > Map/${stub}_cov.csv

and finally run the following perl script to collate the coverages across samples, where we have simply adjusted the format from csv to tsv to be compatible with CONCOCT:

$METAG/ Map | tr "," "\t" > Coverage.tsv

We will only run concoct with default settings here. The only one we vary is the cluster number which should be at least twice the number of genomes in your co-assembly.

mkdir Concoct
cd Concoct
mv ../Coverage.tsv .
concoct --coverage_file Coverage.tsv --composition_file ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa 
cd ..

The output of concoct is principally an assignment of each contig to a bin as a comma separated file, clustering_gt1000.csv, with a simple format of contig,assignment:

tail clustering_gt1000.csv

We can count the total number of bins as follows:

cut -d"," -f2 clustering_gt1000.csv | sort | uniq -c | wc

In our clustering we obtained 272.

Annotate genes on contigs

First we call genes on the contigs using prodigal.

cd ..
mkdir Annotate
cd Annotate/
$METAG/ ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa 1000 > final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.fa
prodigal -i final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.fa -a final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.faa -d final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.fna  -f gff -p meta -o final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.gff

Then we assign COGs with RPSBlast. The script in the CONCOCT distro for doing this requires an environment variable pointing to the COG database to be set. We also set another variable pointing to the CONCOCT scripts for convenience:

export COGSDB_DIR=/home/opt/rpsblast_db
export CONCOCT=/home/chris/Installed/CONCOCT

Then we run this on 32 cores:

$CONCOCT/scripts/ -f final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.faa -p -c 32 -r 1

This script performs an RPS-BLAST of translated sequences against the NCBI COG database using an e-value cut-off of 1.0e-3. Each query was assigned to the top RPS-BLAST and only if it covered at least 50% of the target sequence.

Evaluate clustering based on SCGs

The script was then used to generate a table of counts for 36 COGs that we previously identified as being found in all bacterial genome with a single copy. We refer to these COGs as single-copy core genes (SCGs):

$CONCOCT/scripts/ -b final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.out -m $CONCOCT/scgs/scg_cogs_min0.97_max1.03_unique_genera.txt -c ../Concoct/clustering_gt1000.csv --cdd_cog_file $CONCOCT/scgs/cdd_to_cog.tsv > clustering_gt1000_scg.tsv

and a pdf:

$CONCOCT/scripts/COGPlot.R -s clustering_gt1000_scg.tsv -o clustering_gt1000_scg.pdf

This enables us to estimate the completeness of each CONCOCT cluster, in total we found 80 clusters which were at least 75% complete and pure in this data set. We will consider these clusters to be partially complete metagenome assembled genomes or MAGs.

Single copy core gene plot

Clusters with differential abundance between Crohn's and healthy children

To explore differences in community composition between the CD and control children, we calculated per sample normalised abundances for each cluster. Move into the Concoct directory and using a script from the CONCOCT repo:

cd ../Concoct
tr "\t" "," < Coverage.tsv > Coverage.csv
python $METAG/ Coverage.csv clustering_gt1000.csv ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa > cluster_freq.csv

An NMDS plot of these abundances are shown in the figure below:


This can be generated by first parsing the cluster frequency file a little bit:

sed 's/Map\///g' cluster_freq.csv | sed 's/^/D/' > cluster_freqR.csv

A copy of this same file is in the Results directory and then source the R commands in the file scripts/NMDS.R. From this it is apparent that there are significant differences in community composition between the two types. In fact 11.2% of the variance in community composition was explained by type (perm. ANOVA, p-value = 0.002). There was also a higher variance in community composition in the CD children (p-value = 0.0002525).

To determine those clusters responsible for this difference we performed Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA on the log-transformed abundances in each group. Benjamini-hochberg was used to correct for multiple comparisons. This revealed 70 clusters with a q-value < 0.05 of which 26 were at least 75% complete MAGs. The majority of these were negatively associated with Crohn's disease.








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