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This is a sample Couchapp that demonstrates the features of Coconut. Coconut renders json defined forms in a browser and then saves the results to couchdb (and now with TouchDB!).


Coconut-sample is a Couchapp that will run in CouchDB and TouchDB-Android.

Android-Coconut-TouchDB is an Android application that hosts a TouchDB instance that comes with Coconut-sample.

An Android APK is available if you don't wish to build and deploy the Android-Coconut-TouchDB project.

Getting Started

It is helpful to have couchdb for development:

apt-get install couchdb

The first time you push the couch, the coconut db will be created for you. You can also create a new database using futon, the handy couchdb GUI by clicking here: futon on localhost, or by running this curl command:

curl -X PUT http:https://localhost:5984/coconut

Please note that futon is not yet available for TouchDB.

To get Coconut working you need to put the files in this directory into a couchdb database. You can accomplish this by using the couchapp tool.

apt-get install couchapp

Now we can use couchapp to push the files into your database:

couchapp push

Now you can point your browser at the Coconut

You may wish to customise the .couchapprc file to point to different targets.

{ "env":
  { "dev"    : {"db": "http:https://admin:luvcouch@localhost:5984/coconut-sample"}
  , "mob": {"db": "http:"}
  , "tou": {"db": "http:"}

The "tou" target is the TouchDB app on the emulator. The "mob" target is the TouchDB app on your mobile device. See the section on deploy lower on how to setup the emulator.

How does this work?

CouchDB, TouchDB-Android, Backbone.js, backbone-couchdb, json, fairy dust.

How is this organized?

All of the backbone models and views have their own file and are in app/models and app/views respectively. app/app.js is responsible for tying it all together.

You can put json forms into the _docs directory and they will be added to your couch when you do a couchapp push.

How do I render a form?

FormView loads the form.template.html, which provides the formElements div, where each form element is appended. FormView's render function loops through each of the formElements using the addOne function. AddOne sets up the table and inserts new rows when a formelement's closeRow == "true". It also renders a few other special widgets, such as headers and hidden fields. Most form elements are inserted using the following code:

currentParent.append((new FormElementView({model: formElement})).render().el);

Note how the currentParentName is saved in FormView's currentParentName field - this shows where the element should be appended.

FormElementView renders each element inside a td using the form-element-template, which calls the {{{renderWidget}}} tag. Handlebars.registerHelper("renderWidget"... in formElementRender.js uses the relevant template based on the inputType for the element. Each widget is pre-compiled before the loop:

inputTextWidgetCompiledHtml = Handlebars.compile($("#inputTextWidget").html());
datepickerWidgetCompiledHtml = Handlebars.compile($("#datepickerWidget").html());
checkboxWidgetCompiledHtml = Handlebars.compile($("#checkboxWidget").html());

Look at the index2.html example. Each widget has its own handlebars.js template (see inputTextWidget).

<script id="dropdownWidget" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
	{{#dropdown enumerations}}

Performance test is at http:

In the current example, the form is _docs/incident.js.

How do I customise page flow?

app.js constructs the Backbone.Router. List the routes in the routes method:

routes: {
    	"home":                 "home",    // #home
    	"newPatient":                 "newPatient",    // #newPatient
    	"arrestDocket":                 "arrestDocket",    // #arrestDocket
        "*actions": "defaultRoute" // matches http:

and create a method for each route:

    newPatient: function () {
    	registration = new Form({_id: "PatientRegistration"});
    		success: function(model){
    			(new FormView({model: model})).render(); 

How incident id's are generated

Incident id's are generated using update_seq by doing a GET on the db and (TBD) appending it to the site ID; however, I am slightly concerned about concurrentcy issues. But this would not happen on a couch instance on a mobile phone.

var info = $.couch.db(Backbone.couch_connector.config.db_name).info(
	success : function(resp){
	console.log("info: " + JSON.stringify(resp));
	var doc_count = resp["doc_count"];
	var doc_del_count = resp["doc_del_count"];
	var assignedId = doc_count + doc_del_count;
	console.log("assignedId: " + assignedId);
	formData.assignedId = assignedId;
	// now save it... See FormView.js


Generating sequences in CouchDB goes against the grain of couch; note that this approach is only good per instance. Useful discussion here:


Also considered getting a substring of the sequential uuid - truncate the first 24 characters. More info on sequential uuids:

Couchapp Tools

It's a pain to run 'couchapp push' everytime you make a change. Mike wrote a little watchr script that watches for changes to any relevant files and then automatically pushes them into your couch. To get it you need to install rubygems and watchr:

apt-get install rubygems
gem install watchr

How to deploy to an Android app?

You can copy the database by deploying the sample app to the Android Emulator and then pushing your new Couchapp to it.

First redirect the emulator to a local port. In this example, TouchDB, whic runs on port 8888, is redirected to port 8880:

telnet localhost 5554 
redir add tcp:8880:8888

Clone Android-Coconut-TouchDB and deploy it to your Android device or emulator. Push the new project to the emulator: couchapp push tou

Pushing to the emulator is very slow. Using couchapp -v or watching logcat can help. You also may be able to push to a device instead of the emulator.

Once it is on the emulator you can download the SQLlite db to the app:

cd source/Android-Coconut-TouchDB/assets adb pull /data/data/org.rti.rcd.ict.touchdb.testapp/files cd files

Zip coconut-sample.touchdb to create Zip coconut-sample.touchdb to create

Move these new zips to files and remove the old zips.

In Android-Coconut-TouchDB, edit res/raw/ and change coconut-sample to the name of your couchapp:

app_db=coconut-sample couchAppInstanceUrl=coconut-sample/_design/coconut/index.html


Anything else?

  • Look at index.html - many of the coconut-related .js files have been minimised and consolidated into app/coconut_formy.js.
  • Check out the page on Coconut for information about other Coconut-based projects.


See for an example of how to add a new page to the app.


Check out the project's issues. Please help us fix issues and add any problems that you come across.


Sample coconut app






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