I'm an MSc Data Science student at the University of Amsterdam and a recent graduate of BSc Computer Science (Class One Hons) at the University of Sheffield. I am very enthusiastic about machine learning, business and sports. My goal is to deliver high quality software products and seek AI-based solutions that enhance the quality of our lives - without replacing us!
π Find out more below...
import random
class Chizo:
def __init__(self: 'Chizo') -> None:
Let's provide some basic information.
self.name = 'Filip J. Cierkosz'
self.roles = ['Software Engineer', 'Student', 'Hybrid Athlete']
self.coding_skills = {
'languages': ['Python', 'Ruby', 'JavaScript', 'Java'],
'fav frameworks': ['Transformers', 'PyTorch', 'OpenCV', 'SciKit-Learn', 'Rails', 'React'],
'fav tools': ['Git', 'Shell', 'Jupyter', 'VS Code', 'Jira'],
'database': ['MySQL', 'PostgreSQL', 'MongoDB', 'SQLite3'],
'devops': ['Docker', 'GitHub Actions', 'Heroku'],
'os': ['macOS', 'Ubuntu']
self.language_skills = ['English', 'Polish', 'German']
def get_motto() -> None:
Let's shuffle some motto.
mottos = [
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results',
'Never take criticism from someone you would not seek advice from'
def greet(self: 'Chizo') -> None:
Prepare some greetings for the visitor.
print('Thanks for visiting the profile! Do NOT forget to star my projects ;)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = Chizo()