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Line Arrange

This is a small plugin for Obsidian that allows one to either sort a set of selected lines by their visible width or shuffle them randomly as per need.


  • Sort Lines by Width: Arrange lines based on their visual length.

Sorted Lines

  • Shuffle Lines Randomly: Randomly arrange the selected lines.

Sorted Lines


  1. From within Obsidian:

    • Open Settings.
    • Navigate to the Community plugins section.
    • Search for "Line Arrange".
    • Click "Install" and then "Enable".
  2. Manual Installation:

    • Download the latest release from the GitHub releases page.
    • Extract the contents to your Obsidian plugins folder: YourVault/.obsidian/plugins/lineArrange.
    • Enable the plugin in the Obsidian settings.


  1. Open a note and select the lines you want to arrange.

    Select Lines Usage
  2. Use the command palette (Ctrl/Cmd + P) and type:

    • Sort lines to arrange lines based on their apparent width.
    Sort Lines Usage
    • Shuffle lines to randomize the order of the selected lines.
    Shuffle Lines Usage


  • Open an issue for bugs or feature requests on the GitHub repository.
  • Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions or suggestions, reach out via GitHub Issues.