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Blood Bank Project

This is a web-based blood bank system developed using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.


The Blood Bank Project is aimed at managing blood donations, donors, and requests efficiently. It allows users to register as blood donors, make blood requests, and manage these requests. The system helps in maintaining a database of available blood types and donors, making it easier to match blood requests with suitable donors.


  • User registration and authentication for both donors and blood requesters
  • Donor management: Add, update, and delete donor profiles
  • Blood request management: Create, update, and delete blood requests
  • Blood type management: Add, update, and delete blood types
  • Search functionality to find donors by blood type, location, etc.
  • Responsive design for seamless usage across devices

Technologies Used

  • PHP: Backend scripting language for server-side logic
  • JavaScript: Client-side scripting language for dynamic functionality
  • HTML: Markup language for creating web pages
  • CSS: Styling language for enhancing the presentation of web pages


  • Register as a blood donor or requester using the provided forms.
  • Log in to your account.
  • Add or manage donor profiles or blood requests as needed.
  • Search for donors based on blood type, location, etc.
  • Update or delete donor profiles or blood requests when necessary.


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