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Planck's law

A project to study the Planck's law. Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature, when there is no net flow of matter or energy between the body and its environment.

Animation gif

Interactive web app:

streamlit app badge

Installation and usage

  1. clone the repo
  2. create a virtual environment
  3. activate the virtual environment
  4. install dependencies with requirements.txt
  5. use the code and/or run a local Streamlit app
git clone [email protected]:chicolucio/planck.git
cd planck
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run

These are the Python packages under the hood:

Matplotlib NumPy SciPy Streamlit

You can run a sample via command line from the project folder after cloning this repo:


A figure like the one below will be generated.

Command line sample

To see how to customize the plot and how to animate it like the gif at the top of this readme, see the tutorial file.

Interactive web app hosted on Streamlit Cloud:

streamlit app badge


All contributions are welcome.


Feel free to submit issues regarding:

  • recommendations
  • more examples for the tutorial
  • enhancement requests and new useful features
  • code bugs

Pull requests

  • before starting to work on your pull request, please submit an issue first
  • fork the repo
  • clone the project to your own machine
  • commit changes to your own branch
  • push your work back up to your fork
  • submit a pull request so that your changes can be reviewed




If you use this project in a scientific publication or in classes, please consider citing as

F. L. S. Bustamante, Planck's law - Plotting the black body radiation, 2020 - Available at:
