Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
Tinyhttpd 是J. David Blackstone在1999年写的一个不到 500 行的超轻量型 Http Server,用来学习非常不错,可以帮助我们真正理解服务器程序的本质。官网:
清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
This is the first 64-bit system in the world to support all Raspberry Pi 64-bit hardware!!! (Include: PI400,4B,3B+,3B,3A+,Zero2W)
设计模式超简单的解释 - An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。
One has no future if one couldn't teach themself.
🚌 The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, support customized dictionary.
Distributed Configuration Management Platform(分布式配置管理平台)
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
自制spring boot starter for swagger 2.x,来试试吧,很好用哦~
Prior to making any Submission(s), you must sign an Adobe Contributor License Agreement, available here at: All Submissions you make to Adobe Inc. and its aff…
[DEPRECATED] - This plugin provides functionality to perform automatic updates of the web based content in your application.