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Releases: chemprop/chemprop


28 Jun 22:46
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Notable changes

The mfs argument of MoleculeDatapoint was removed in #876. This argument accepted functions which generated molecular features to use as extra datapoint descriptors. When using chemprop in a notebook, users should first manually generate their molecule features and pass them into the datapoints using x_d which stands for (extra) datapoint descriptors. This is demonstrated in the extra_features_descriptors.ipynb notebook under examples. CLI users will see no change as the CLI will still automatically calculate molecule features using user specified featurizers. The --features-generators flag has been deprecated though in favor of the more descriptive --molecule-featurizers. Available molecule features can be found in the help text generated by chemprop train -h.

The default aggregation was changed to norm in #946. This was meant to be change in version 2.0.0, but got missed. Norm aggregation was used in all the benchmarking of version 1 as it performs better than mean aggregation when predicting properties that are extensive in the number of atoms.

More documentation for the CLI hpopt and fingerprint commands have been added and can be viewed here and here.

The individual predictions of an ensemble of models are now automatically averaged and the individual predictions are saved in a separate file. #919

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3

v2.0.2 Adding Document Modules and hpopt Enhancement

14 Jun 22:51
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In this release, we have included numerous notebooks to document modules. Chemprop may be used in python scripts, allowing for greater flexibility and control than the CLI. We recommend first looking through some of the worked examples to get an overview of the workflow. Then further details about the creation, customization, and use of Chemprop modules can be found in the module tutorials.

New CLI Features

Improved --model-path CLI

Previously --model-path could take either a single model file or a directory containing model files. Now it can take any combination of checkpoint files (.ckpt), model files (.pt), and directory containing model files. Directories are recursively searched for model file (.pt). Chemprop will use all models given and found to make predictions (#731).

Improvements for hpopt CLI

Some flags related to Ray Tune (i.e., --raytune-temp-dir, --raytune-num-cpus, --raytune-num-gpus, and --raytune-max-concurrent-trials) have been added. You can use the CLI to initiate your Ray instance using these flags. (#918)

Bug fix

An incorrect max learning rate was used when writing the config file after hyperparameter optimization. This is now fixed (#913).

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2

v2.0.1 First Patch

06 Jun 17:14
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New CLI Features

Caching in CLI

MolGraphs are now created (by featurizing molecules) and cached at the beginning of training by default in the CLI. If you wish to disable caching, you can use the --no-cache flag, which will featurize molecules on the fly instead. (#903)

Change the default trial scheduler in HPO

We changed the default trial scheduler for HPO from AsyncHyperBand to FIFO, as it is the default in Ray and was used in version 1. You can switch the trial scheduler back to AsyncHyperBand by using --raytune-trial-scheduler AsyncHyperBand if needed. (#896)

Support Optuna in HPO

You can use optuna as a HPO search algorithm via --raytune-search-algorithm optuna. (#888)

CLI Bug Fixes

HPO-related bugs

In #873, we changed the search space for the initial and final learning rate ratios and max_lr to avoid very small (~10^-10) learning rates and also ensured that some hyperparameters are saved as integers instead of floating-point numbers (e.g., batch_size). In #881, we addressed the bug concerning the incompatibility of the saved config file with the training config. In #836, we shut down Ray processes after HPO completion to avoid zombie processes. For those encountering issues with Ray processes, we suggest you start Ray outside of the Python process.

DDP-related bugs

In #884, we resolved the issue where metrics were not synchronized across processes and disabled the distributed sampler during testing in DDP.

Backwards incompatibility note

In #883, we fixed the bug related to unused parameters in DDP. Models created via the CLI in v2.0.0 without additional atomic descriptors cannot be used via the CLI in v2.0.1. You will need to first remove message_passing.W_d.weight and message_passing.W_d.bias from the model file's state_dict to make it compatible with the current version.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1

v2.0.0 Stable Release

23 Apr 17:41
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This is the first stable release of Chemprop v2.0.0, with updates since the v2.0.0-rc.1 release candidate in early March.

The primary objectives of v2.0.0 are making Chemprop more usable from within Python scripts, more modular, easier to maintain and develop, more compute/memory efficient, and usable with PyTorch Lightning. Some features will not be migrated from v1 to v2 (e.g. web, sklearn). Some v1 features will be added in later versions of v2 (v2.1+) (e.g. uncertainty, interpret, atom- and bond-targets); see milestones here. The new version also has substantially faster featurization speeds and much higher unit test coverage, enables training on multiple GPUs, and works on Windows (in addition to Linux and Mac). Finally, the incorporation of a batch normalization layer is expected to result in smoother training and improved predictions. We encourage all Chemprop users to try using v2.0.0 to see how it can improve their workflows.

v2 documentation can be found here.

There are v2 tutorial notebooks in the examples/ directory.

A helpful transition guide from Chemprop v1 to v2 can be found here. This includes a side-by-side comparison of CLI argument options, a list of which arguments will be implemented in later versions of v2, and a list of changes to default hyperparameters.

Note that if you install from source, the primary branch of our repository has been renamed from master to main.

Due to development team bandwidth, Chemprop v1 will no longer be actively developed, so that we can focus our efforts on v2. Bug reports and questions about v1 are still welcome to benefit users who haven't yet made the switch to v2, but bug reports will not be fixed by the development team.

Please let us know of any bugs you find, questions you have, or enhancements you want in Chemprop v2 by opening an issue.

Final Patch for Version 1

12 Apr 17:47
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This is the final release of chemprop v1. All future development will be done on chemprop v2. The development team is still happy to answer questions about v1, but no new feature requests or PRs for v1 will be accepted. Users who identify bugs in v1 are still encouraged to open issues to report them - they will be tagged as v1-wontfix to signify that we won't be publishing fixes for them in official chemprop releases, but the bugs can still be open to community discussion.

We encourage all users to try migrating their workflows over to chemprop v2 (available now as a release candidate, stable version planned to be released within the next week) and let us know of any issues you encounter. All v1 releases will remain available on PyPI, and the v1 source code will remain available in this GitHub organization.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.7.1

v2.0.0 Release Candidate

04 Mar 22:37
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This is a release candidate for Chemprop v2.0.0, to be released in April 2024.

The primary objectives of v2.0.0 are making Chemprop more usable from within Python scripts, more modular, easier to maintain and develop, more compute/memory efficient, and usable with PyTorch Lightning. Some features will not be migrated from v1 to v2 (e.g. web, sklearn). Some v1 features will be added in later versions of v2 (v2.1+) (e.g. uncertainty, interpret, atom- and bond-targets); see milestones here. The new version also has substantially faster featurization speeds and much higher unit test coverage, enables training on multiple GPUs, and works on Windows (in addition to Linux and Mac). Finally, the incorporation of a batch normalization layer is expected to result in smoother training and improved predictions. The label as a “release candidate” reflects its availability to be downloaded via PyPI and that only minor changes are expected for the Python API before the final release. We expect most remaining changes before the release of v2.0.0 in April to be focused on additional improvements to the command line interface (CLI), which does not yet have feature parity with v1. We encourage all Chemprop users to try using v2.0.0-rc.1 to see how it can improve their workflows.

The v2 documentation can be found here.

There are tutorial notebooks for v2 in the examples/ directory.

A helpful transition guide from v1 to v2 can be found here. This includes a side-by-side comparison of CLI argument options, a list of which arguments will be implemented in later versions of v2, and a list of changes to default hyperparameters.

You can subscribe to our development status and notes for this version: #517.

Ongoing work for this version is available on the v2/dev branch.

Please let us know of any bugs you find by opening an issue.

Conformal Calibration

04 Mar 21:51
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.7.0

Bug fix for reaction atom mapping

01 Aug 20:09
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Bug fix

PR #383 unexpectedly broke the atom mapping for reaction mode. The issue is described in Issue #426 and fixed by PR #427.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1

Atomic/bond targets prediction

17 Jul 20:43
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Major New Features

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.6.0

Flexible hyperparameter search, missing uncertainty target values, evaluation of different magnitude multitask targets, empty test set assignment, and DockerFile updates

20 Jul 03:18
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Flexible hyperparameter search space

The parameters to be included in hyperparameter optimization can now be selected using the argument --search_parameter_kewords {list-of-keywords}. The parameters supported are: activation, aggregation, aggregation_norm, batch_size, depth, dropout, ffn_hidden_size, ffn_num_layers, final_lr, hidden_size, init_lr, max_lr, warmup_epochs. Some special kewords are also included for groups of keywords or different search behavior: basic, learning_rate, all, linked_hidden_size.
PR #299

Missing targets in uncertainty calibration datasets

Added capabilities to the uncertainty calibration and evaluation methods to allow them to handle missing target values in multitask jobs. This capability was already included in the normal training of models, now implemented in uncertainty calibration and evaluation.
PR #295
Issue #292

Multitask evaluation for tasks of different magnitudes

When evaluation metrics tend to scale with the magnitude of a task (e.g., rmse), averaging metrics between tasks has been replaced with a geometric mean function. This makes the average metric in multitask regression jobs be less dominated by large magnitude targets. This was previously an issue for hyperparameter optimization and the evaluation of optimal epoch during model training, though the calculation of loss for gradient descent is on scaled targets and was already not scale dependent.
PR #290

Empty test set allowed

An empty test split can now be used during training. This was previously possible only using the cv-no-test split method, but now it is available more widely when specifying split sizes, for example with --split_sizes 0.8 0.2 0.
PR #284, #260 related
Issue #279

Updates to conda environment and docker file

Conda environment building will now prefer to use the pytorch channel over the conda-forge channel. The Dockerfile has been updated to use micromamba, allowing for faster environment solves than conda and removing a potential licensing issue.
PR #276

Bug Fixes

Fix MCC loss for multiclass jobs

Corrected a calculation problem in the loss function that was returning infinite loss inappropriately. Also adopted the convention of returning loss of zero when infinite loss is returned, as often happens in very unbalanced datasets. Added appropriate unit testing.
PR #309
Issue #306

Correct code error in ence uncertainty evaluation

Corrects an error in the ence uncertainty evaluation method that made that method unusable. Bug was introduced during PR #305.
PR #302
Issue #301

Fixed link to MoleculeNet website

Corrected the link to the MoleculeNet benchmark dataset website in the readme, following MoleculeNet migrating to a new site location.
PR #296

Multitarget uncertainty calibration mve weighting method

Previously, this method only worked for single task jobs, now has been extended to work for multitask models as well.
PR #291

Remove unused file

Version tracking in Chemprop no longer uses the file and it was removed.
PR #283

Multiclass argument typo in readme

Corrected a typo where the number of classes used in multiclass regression should have been indicated as --multiclass_num_classes.
PR #281

Repair individual ensemble predictions

Refactoring of prediction file during the addition of uncertainty functions disabled the option to return the individual predictions of each member of an ensemble of models. Option is now available again.
PR #274