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Google Actions Getting Started Project

This project has been created for developers, interested to getting started with Google Actions using Dialogflow and Google Actions Console.

Instructions to use the repo

1. Users can download the source code as zip from here
Install Git Bash for Windows and use below commands to checkout code
2. Use git command to checkout the code
git clone
cd aog_city_name_maker
git checkout master

Source file details

agent.json - Dialog flow agent file
package.json - Agent version file
"entities" Directory - contains the Diagflow entity used in the agent
"intent" Directory - contains the Default intents and custom intents made for the Google actions conversations
"fulfillment_webhook" Directory - contains the node.js source files. These files can be used to create the Fulfillment webhook for the agent. These webhooks are written in node.js, uses "Google Cloud functions" deployed in Google Firebase.

Tutorials and Guides

Google Actions Getting Started

Google Actions create actions

Dialogflow Console Getting Started

Dialogflow Agents

Dialogflow Fullfillment for Google Actions
Use source files available in "fulfillment_webhook" Directory

Quick start tips

Developers who has experience in Dialoagflow can download the "" file.
Create an agent with the preferred name.
Export the file as instant agent from "Dialoagflow agent settings".
Once the agent is created fullfilment webhook can be enabled and use the files available in "fulfillment_webhook" Directory to add firebase code.