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chef-ingredient Cookbook

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This cookbook provides primitives - helpers and resources - to manage Chef Software, Inc.'s products and add-ons including, but not limited to:

  • Chef Infra Server
  • Chef Automate
  • Supermarket

This cookbook also provides primitives for building and managing your Chef infrastructure.

It will perform component installation and configuration. It provides no recipes. Instead, wrapper cookbooks should be created using the resources that this cookbook provides.



  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • CentOS/RHEL/Almalinux/Rockylinux
  • openSUSE
  • Amazon Linux

Chef Infra

  • Chef Infra Client 15.3


  • none

Chef Product Resources


A "chef ingredient" is the core package itself, or products or add-on components published by Chef Software, Inc. This resource manages the installation, configuration, and running the ctl reconfigure of individual packages.

By default, chef_ingredient will install using the stable repository depending on the platform. However, it can be configured to use a custom repository by setting the node['chef-ingredient']['custom-repo-recipe'] attribute (nil by default).

chef_ingredient Actions

  • install - (default) Configures the package repository and installs the specified package.
  • upgrade - Upgrades the specified package.
  • uninstall - Uninstalls the specified package.
  • remove - Alias for uninstall
  • reconfigure - Performs the ctl reconfigure command for the package.

chef_ingredient Properties

  • product_name - The product name. See the For example, chef-server, analytics, delivery, manage, etc.
  • config - content that will be added to the configuration file of the given product.
  • ctl_command - The "ctl" command, e.g., chef-server-ctl. This should be automatically detected by the library helper method chef_ctl_command, but may need to be specified if something changes, like a new add-on is made available.
  • options - Options passed to the package resource used for installation.
  • version - Package version to install. Can be specified in various semver-alike ways: 12.0.4, 12.0.3-rc.3, and also :latest/'latest'. Do not use this property when specifying package_source.
  • channel - Channel to install the products from. It can be :stable, :current or :unstable.
  • package_source - Full path to a location where the package is located. If present, this file is used for installing the package.
  • rubygems_url - Install mixlib-install/version gems from or an alternative source. Useful for community distributions. Defaults to Chef::Config[:rubygems_url].
  • timeout - The amount of time (in seconds) to wait to fetch the installer before timing out. Default timeout of the Chef package resource is 900 seconds.
  • accept_license - A boolean value that specifies if license should be accepted if it is asked for during reconfigureaction. This option is applicable to only these products: manage, analytics, reporting and compliance.
  • platform - Override the auto-detected platform for which package to install.
  • platform_version - Override the auto-detected platform version for which package to install.
  • architecture - Override the auto-detected architecture for which package to install.
  • platform_version_compatibility_mode - Find closest matching package when platform auto-detection does not find an exact package match in the repository.


Manages a sub-service within the context of a Chef product package. For example the rabbitmq service that is run for the Chef Server.

omnibus_service Actions

This delegates to the ctl command the service management command specified in the action. Not all the service management commands are supported, however, as not all of them would make sense when used in a recipe. This resource is primarily used for sending or receiving notifications. See the example section.

omnibus_service Properties

  • service_name - The name of the service to manage. Specify this like product_name/service, for example, chef-server/rabbitmq.
  • ctl_command - The "ctl" command, e.g. chef-server-ctl. This should be automatically detected by the library helper method chef_ctl_command, but may need to be specified if something changes, like a new add-on is made available.


Makes it easy to create update configuration files of each Chef product. It uses the default locations for each product.

ingredient_config Actions

  • render - (default) Creates the configuration file using the options passed in via add action or config attribute of chef_ingredient resource.
  • add - Adds the config attribute contents to the data collection. Must run :render action to generate the file.

ingredient_config Properties

  • product_name - The product name. See the For example, chef-server, analytics, delivery, manage, etc.
  • config - Content that will be added to the configuration file of the given product.
  • sensitive - Set to mask the config contents in logs. Use when you config contains information like passwords or secrets.

ingredient_config Examples

We may need to restart the RabbitMQ service on the Chef Server, for example when adding configuration for Chef Analytics.

template '/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb' do
  notifies :restart, 'omnibus_service[chef-server/rabbitmq]'

omnibus_service 'chef-server/rabbitmq' do
  action :nothing

To install Chef Server using some custom configuration options:

chef_ingredient "chef-server" do
  config <<~EOS
    api_fqdn "#{node["fqdn"]}"
    ip_version "ipv6"
    notification_email "#{node["chef_admin"]}"
    nginx["ssl_protocols"] = "TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2"
  action :install

ingredient_config "chef-server" do
  notifies :reconfigure, "chef_ingredient[chef-server]"

To install or upgrade latest version of Chef Client on your nodes:

chef_ingredient "chef" do
  action :upgrade
  version :latest

To install an add-on of Chef Server from :current channel:

chef_ingredient 'chef-server' do
  channel :stable
  action :install

chef_ingredient 'analytics' do
  channel :current
  action :install

Chef Infrastructure Resources

General Properties

These properties exist for all infrastructure resources

  • name - A name for the resource.
  • channel - The channel from our package repository to install. Most of the time you want stable.
  • version - The version of Automate you want to install.
  • config - The configuration that will be written to the appropriate configuration file for the product.
  • accept_license - Do you accept Chef's license agreements.
  • platform - Use only if you need to over-ride the default platform.
  • platform_version - Use only if you need to over-ride the default platform.


Installs Chef Automate.

chef_automate Properties

  • enterprise - The Enterprise to create in Automate
  • license - we recommend using the chef_file resource
  • chef_user - The user you will connect to the Chef server as
  • chef_user_pem - The private key of the above Chef user
  • validation_pem - The validator key of the Chef org we're connecting to
  • builder_pem - The private key of the build nodes


Installs Chef Automate version 2

chef_automatev2 Requirements

  • Requires chef-client 14+ due to use of sysctl resource
  • General Properties used


chef_backend Properties

  • bootstrap_node - The node we'll bootstrap secrets with.
  • publish_address - node['ipaddress'] | The address you want Chef-Backend to listen on.
  • chef_backend_secrets - A location where your secrets are | we recommend using the chef_file resource.
  • chef_backend_secrets_user - The user that owns the file created by the chef_backend_secrets attribute
  • chef_backend_secrets_group - The group that owns the file created by the chef_backend_secrets attribute


chef_org Properties

  • org - The short name of the org.
  • org_full_name - The full name of the org you want to create.
  • admins - An array of admins for the org.
  • users - An array of users for the org.
  • remove_users - An array of users to remove from the org.
  • key_path - Where to store the validator key that is created with the org.


  • username - The username of the user.
  • first_name - The first name of the user.
  • last_name - The last name of the user.
  • email - The users e-mail.
  • password - The users password.
  • key_path - Where to store the users private key that is created with the user.
  • serveradmin - Is the user a serveradmin?


  • node_name - The name of the node.
  • version - The version of chef-client to install.
  • chefdk - Do you want to install chefdk?
  • chef_server_url - What is the Chef server URL to connect to.
  • ssl_verify - Validate ssl certificates?
  • log_location - Where to log.
  • log_level - Log level.
  • config - Any configuration for client.rb.
  • run_list - The clients runlist.
  • environment - Which Chef Environment the client belongs to.
  • validation_pem - The validation pem to validate with.
  • validation_client_name - The validation client name.
  • tags - Any tags for the node.
  • interval - The interval to run chef-client on.
  • splay - The randomization to add to the interval.
  • data_collector_token - The data collector token to talk to Visibility.
  • data_collector_url - The Visibility URL to send data.


  • filename - The name of the resource.
  • source - The source of the file.
  • user - The owner of the file.
  • group - The group owner of the file.
  • mode - The mode for the file.


  • addons - A set of add-ons to install with the Chef Server.
  • data_collector_token - The data collector token to authenticate with Chef Visiblity.
  • data_collector_url - The URL to connect to Visibility.


  • chef_server_url - The Chef server's URL.
  • chef_oauth2_app_id - The oauth2 app id from the Chef server.
  • chef_oauth2_secret - The oauth2 secret from the Chef server.
  • chef_oauth2_verify_ssl - Whether to validate SSL certificates.


  • pj_version - The version of Push-Jobs to install.
  • chef_user - The Chef user to authenticate with the Chef Server.
  • chef_user_pem - The private key of the Chef user to authenticate with the Chef Server.
  • builder_pem - The builder users private key to communicate with Chef Automate.
  • chef_fqdn - The FQDN of the Chef server.
  • automate_fqdn - The FQDN of the automate server.
  • supermarket_fqdn - The FQDN of the Supermarket server.
  • job_dispatch_version - Which job dispatch version to use. V1 is push-jobs, V2 is SSH runners.
  • automate_user - What is the Automate user we're connecting to Automate as.
  • automate_password - The password for the user above.
  • automate_enterprise - The Enterprise to connect to.
  • chef_config_path - The config path for chef-client.

License & Authors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.