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🚀 Do you want to install Tiledesk on your server with just one click?

Use Docker Compose Tiledesk installation guide

Chat21 is the core of the open source live chat platform


With Chat21-ionic you can:

  • Send a direct message to a user (one to one message)
  • View the messages history
  • The read receipts feature allows your users to see when a message has been sent, delivered and read
  • Conversations list view with the last messages sent (like Whatsapp)
  • With the Presense Manager you can view when a user is online or offline and the inactivity period
  • Responsive design (desktop and mobile)
  • View the user profile with fullname and email
  • Login with email and password (Use firebase email and password authentication method )
  • Signup with fullname, email, password and profile picture
  • Contacts list view with fulltext search for fullname field

Live Demo

Visit to see a live demo of chat21-ionic.

A screenshot of chat21-ionic demo

A screenshot of chat21-ionic demo


In progress git


  • Install nodejs:
  • Install Ionic CLI: npm install -g ionic
  • Install Cordova : npm install -g [email protected]
  • A Firebase project. Create one free on
  • "Chat21 Firebase cloud functions" installed. Instructions:

Run Tiledesk with Docker Compose

Do you want to install all the Tiledesk components on your server with just one click? Use Docker Compose Tiledesk installation guide


  • Install the latest stable release. Check on Github page the last release under the Releases tab and then run
  • git clone --branch <LATEST-RELEASE-VERSION>
  • cd chat21-ionic
  • Build running: npm install



  • Configure the file environment.ts in src/environments folder:

    export const environment = {
        supportMode: false,
        production: false,
        remoteConfig: true,
        remoteConfigUrl: '/chat-config.json',
        chatEngine: "mqtt", // OR YOUR CUSTOM CHAT ENGINE
        updloaEngine: "native", // OR YOUR CUSTOM UPLOAD ENGINE
        pushEngine:"none", // OR YOUR CUSTOM PUSH ENGINE
        supportMode: false,
        writeToButton: false,
        archivedButton: false,
        firebaseConfig: {
            apiKey: '123ABC..',
            authDomain: '',
            databaseURL: '',
            projectId: 'XYZ',
            storageBucket: '',
            messagingSenderId: '123456',
            appId: 'CHANGEIT',
         chat21Config: {
            "appId": "tilechat",
            "MQTTendpoint": "mqtt:https://<YOUR-MQTT-ENPOINT>",
            "APIendpoint": "https://<YOUR-MQTT-API-ENPOINT>"
        "apiUrl": "https://<YOUR-TILEDESK-API-URL>",
        "baseImageUrl": "https://<YOUR-BASE-IMAGE-URL>",
        "dashboardUrl": "https://<YOUR-DASHBOARD-URL>"
        "wsUrl": 'ws:https://' + window.location.hostname + '/ws/',
  • logLevel: The Chat21-ionic supports 4 log levels. The order is as follows: Error < Warn < Info < Debug

  • fileUploadAccept: The Chat21-ionic allows you to manage the type of files that can be uploaded. By default, all file types are accepted.

  • wsUrl: allows you to know in real time the agent's availability status, the agent's busy status and the number of unassigned conversations for a selected project

  • supportMode: if it is set to true it shows the left sidebar which makes dashboard and chat management smarter

  • writeToButton: if set to true, it makes the button for viewing the contact list visible and makes direct conversations with them possible

  • archivedButton: if set to true, it makes the button for viewing archived conversations visible

Push notification

(Optional) Authenticate with email password

  • Config Firebase auth In the Firebase Console open the Authentication section > SIGN IN METHOD tab you need to enable the Email/password Sign-in Provider and click SAVE. This will allow users to sign-in the Web app with their Email

Run App on Browser

  • Now you will need to serve the app. Run: ionic serve in the terminal.

Add browser platform and build it

  • Run: cordova platform add browser@latest
  • Run: ionic cordova build browser


Deploy on a Web Server (Apache or Nginx)

Copy the content of the directory platforms/browser/www to your WebServer public dir.

Deploy on Firebase hosting

  • Install the Firebase CLI. run: npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Run: firebase login (these steps can be avoided if you have already done before)
  • Change directories in the terminal to your desired project directory(run: cd platforms/browser) and run: firebase init
    • select hosting (press Spacebar to select) and press return
    • select your project and press return
    • answer the following questions:
      • "what do you want to use as your public directory?" www and press return
      • "configure as a single-page app?" N and press return
      • "file www/index.html alredy exists. Overwrite?" N and press return
  • Run: firebase deploy
  • In your firebase consol click hosting and click on link your project More info here

Run on Android

  • Run on simulator : ionic cordova run android
  • Run on device : ionic cordova run android --device

Run on iOS

  • Run on simulator : ionic cordova run ios
  • Run on device : ionic cordova run ios --device

Run with docker

To run Chat21-ionic on port 8080 run:

curl --output .env

nano .env #configure .env file properly

docker run -p 8080:80 --env-file .env chat21/chat21-ionic

Branding with Docker

If you want to customize logos and assets you can mount a docker volume and attach it to the assets folder. After that you can override the assets files into the docker volume.


docker run -p 8080:80 --env-file .env --mount source=chat21-ionic-assets-vol,destination=/usr/share/nginx/html/assets  chat21/chat21-ionic


To auto login pass the JWT token as a query parameter of your Chat url as in the following example:
