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⁓ crnc ⁓

currency conversions and formatting library for the web.

πŸ’° display prices to users on your websites
🌎 ui for users to switch their preferred viewing currency
πŸ”Œ easy html install (universal web components)
⏬ exchange rates are downloaded from the bank of canada
🧬 if you don't need the ui, just use the core functions directly
πŸ›’ used by shopper for displaying store prices
πŸ’– free and open source, just for you

πŸ•ΉοΈ also the codepen html example

crnc example

πŸ’‘ <crnc-price> html component

using crnc is easy.
just sprinkle the <crnc-price> element in your html, wherever you need to display a price.

<!-- a basic example -->
<crnc-price value="9.99"></crnc-price>

<!-- put it wherever you want -->
  <p>My Cool Product!</p>
  <crnc-price value="1234.56"></crnc-price>

<!-- here's a price that's on sale! -->
<crnc-price value="9.99" comparison="15.99"></crnc-price>

parameters for the <crnc-price> component

  • value="1234.56" number
    the amount of money, in your base-currency, for this price.

    <crnc-price value="1234.56"></crnc-price>
  • currency="eur" (optional) currency code string
    override the user's currency preference, and demand that this price be shown in the specific currency.
    however, if the currency is not available (maybe the exchange rates download failed), the base-currency will be used instead.
    don't be confused here: this is not specifying the currency of the input value β€” instead, this specifies what currency the user should see.

    <crnc-price value="1234.56" currency="eur"></crnc-price>
  • precision="2" (optional) number
    specify how many decimal digits to display.
    if set to 0, it will round the price to the nearest whole number.
    defaults to 2.

    <crnc-price value="1234.56" precision="0"></crnc-price>
  • comparison="1358.016" (optional) number
    put something on sale!
    when you provide comparison, it represents the "regular" price, and value then represents the current sale price.
    the sale percentage is calculated automatically,
    something like ( $1234.56 β€” 1358.02 β€” 10% off ) is displayed to the user

    <crnc-price value="1234.56" comparison="1358.016"></crnc-price>
  • right (optional) boolean
    sets the currency menu to the right side.
    this is better for prices that are on the right side of the viewport,
    to avoid the menu from clipping out of the viewport.

    <crnc-price value="1234.56" right></crnc-price>

⚑ quick html install

  1. paste this html code into your page's <head>

    <script type=importmap-shim>
      {"imports": {
        "crnc/":"[email protected]/",
        "crnc":"[email protected]/x/crnc.js"
    <script type=importmap-shim src="[email protected]/x/importmap-cloud.json"></script>
    <script defer type=module-shim>
      import "crnc/x/html-install.js"
    <script defer src="[email protected]/dist/es-module-shims.js"></script>

    note: this installation technique uses es-module-shims, and if you're using multiple plugins that use es-module-shims, just don't repeat the last line (only one script for es-module-shims per page).

  2. paste this configuration snippet into your page's <head>

      currencies="cad aud eur gbp jpy"

    you can change these values.

    • base-currency is the currency that your store users for all its pricing.
    • currencies are the other currencies you want to allow conversions for.
  3. use the <crnc-price> element anywhere in your page's <body>

    <crnc-price value="1234.56"></crnc-price>
    • if you're canadian, you may see a result like $1,579.87 CAD*

πŸ“¦ npm install crnc

for these techniques, you'll need some experience with web development tools like npm.

simple local installation with npm:

  1. npm install crnc
  2. in your main javascript, import the crnc html installer
    import "crnc/x/html-install.js"
  3. add a crnc config element to your page's <head>
      currencies="cad aud eur gbp jpy"
  4. go wild using <crnc-price> components throughout your app.
    <crnc-price value="1234.56"></crnc-price>

custom integration:

  1. npm install crnc
  2. in your main javascript, you can setup crnc manually
    import * as crnc from "crnc"
    // currency converter downloads rates, persists currency preference,
    // and of course, converts and formats money.
    const currencyConverter = crnc.makeCurrencyConverter({
      baseCurrency: "usd",
      currencies: "cad eur gbp aud jpy",
    // this is an object of web components.
    const components = crnc.prepareComponents({currencyConverter})
    // you are responsible to register the components to the dom
    // yourself.
    // this gives you the ability to rename components,
    // or extend them however you need.
  3. go wild using <crnc-price> components throughout your app.
  • note: there is no need for a <crnc-config> element in this kind of installation.

🏦 available currencies

  • all currency codes are in iso 4217 format
  • the rates from bank of canada only support the currencies listed here
  • crnc only supports the currencies listed here β€” ✍️ help add to this!
  • crnc relates user locales to preferred currencies in this mapping β€” ✍️ help add to this!

πŸ’± currency converter javascript usage

  • we use the currency converter to convert and format prices according to the user's locale and currency preference.
  • the currency converter assumes you're running an ecommerce situation where all your prices are share a single baseCurrency.
  • exchange rates are downloaded onto the clientside, and cached, to avoid spamming the bank of canada's api.
  • when the user's currency preference is changed, it's persisted into localstorage, and propagates across opened browser tabs.
  • if the exchange rates download fails, the currency converter will continue to work, falling back to showing prices in the base currency.
  • while the exchange rates are downloading, the converter will display prices in the base currency.

currency converter usage examples

  • create a currency converter

    import {makeCurrencyConverter} from "crnc"
    const currencyConverter = makeCurrencyConverter({
      // all values you run through this converter must be in this currency
      baseCurrency: "USD",
      // other currencies you desire (base currency is already assumed)
      currencies: ["CAD", "AUD", "EUR", "GBP", "JPY"],
    // you can wait for the exchange rates to finish downloading.
    // but if you don't, all prices will be displayed in the base currency,
    // until the download is complete.
    await currencyConverter.exchangeRatesDownload
  • display money in the user's preferred currency (initially auto-detected based on locale)

    const money = currencyConverter.display(1234.56)
    money.value  // 1571.42
    money.amount // "1,571.42"
    money.price  // "$1,571.42 CAD"
    money.currency.code   // "CAD"   // "Canadian Dollar"
    money.currency.symbol // "$"
  • change the currency preference

    const euros = currencyConverter.display(1234.56)
    euros.value  // 1152.97
    euros.amount // "1,152.97"
    euros.price  // "$1,152.97 EUR"
    euros.currency.code   // "EUR"   // "Euro"
    euros.currency.symbol // "$"
  • display money in a specific currency, ignoring the currency preference

    const pounds = currencyConverter.display("1234.56", {currency: "GBP"})
    pounds.value  // 968.90
    pounds.amount // "968.90"
    pounds.price  // "Β£968.90 GBP"
    pounds.currency.code   // "GBP"   // "British Pound Sterling"
    pounds.currency.symbol // "Β£"
  • display money in the base currency (always works)

    const dollars = currencyConverter.display(
      {currency: currencyConverter.baseCurrency},
    dollars.value  // 1234.56
    dollars.amount // "1,234.56"
    dollars.price  // "$1,234.56 USD"
    dollars.currency.code   // "USD"   // "United States Dollar"
    dollars.currency.symbol // "$"
  • display money with a specific precision

    const dollars = currencyConverter.display(
      {precision: 0},
    dollars.price // "Β£969 GBP"
  • check what is the current currency preference

      // {
      //   code: "CAD",
      //   name: "Canadian Dollar",
      //   symbol: "$",
      // }
  • check what currency is targeted for conversions, despite the currency preference.
    the currency preference may not be available, in which case the base currency will be targeted.

      // {
      //   code: "USD",
      //   name: "United States Dollar",
      //   symbol: "$",
      // }
  • check what currencies are currently available

      // {
      //   USD: {
      //     code: "USD",
      //     name: "United States Dollar",
      //     symbol: "$",
      //   },
      //   CAD: {
      //     code: "CAD",
      //     name: "Canadian Dollar",
      //     symbol: "$",
      //   },
      // }
  • listen for changes (see more options in the snapstate docs)

    currencyConverter.snap.subscribe(() => {
      currencyPreference // "JPY"
      availableCurrencies // {USD: {...}, CAD: {...}}

currency converter parameters

  • baseCurrency string
    the native currency used by your ecommerce store. using the currency converter, you will input all money numbers in this base currency.

  • currencies (optional) array of strings
    the array of currencies you want available for conversions. only these currencies will be requested for, when downloading exchange rates.
    (default: string containing only the base currency, no rates are downloaded in this case)

  • locale (optional) string
    the locale string for formatting numbers, and also for guessing the currency preference. (default: auto-detected from browser)

  • downloadExchangeRates (optional) async function
    async function for fetching exchange rates. (default: downloads from the bank of canada api)

  • listenForStorageChanges (optional) function
    function that instructs the currency converter when it should reload the currency preference from storage, for example, when another tab fires a storage event, so when the user changes the preference, it affects multiple tabs. (default: adds a storage event listener to the window)

  • persistence (optional) ConverterPersistence object
    details about where to cache exchange rates and store the currency preference. (default: shown below)

    persistence: {
      // which storage object to use
      storage: window.localStorage,
      // number of milliseconds cached exchange rates should remain valid
      cacheLifespan: 1000 * 60 * 60,
      storageKeys: {
        // storage key used to caching exchange rates
        exchangeRatesCache: "crnc-exchange-rates-cache",
        // storage key used to store currency preference
        currencyPreference: "crnc-currency-preference",

currency converter properties and functions

  • currencyConverter.exchangeRatesDownload promise
    you can await this promise, if you want to wait for the exchange rates to finish downloading.
    you might not want to though, because the converter can operate, and display prices to users, while the rates are still downloading. when the rates are finished loading, they'll gain access to the additional currencies.

  • currencyConverter.baseCurrency string
    this is the same base currency you set as a parameter.

  • currencyConverter.currencyPreference string
    the currently set preferred currency with which to display prices to the user.
    however, it may not yet be available, because the exchange rates could still be downloading, or failed.

  • currencyConverter.targetCurrency string
    the currency that will actually be used for displaying prices to the user.
    it might not be equal to the currencyPreference, when exchange rates for it aren't loaded, in which case it'll fall back onto the baseCurrency.

  • currencyConverter.availableCurrencies CurrencyLibrary object
    an object containing details about all the currently available currencies.
    before exchange rates have loaded, this will only contain information about the baseCurrency.

  • currencyConverter.setCurrencyPreference( currency ) function
    use this function to set the currencyPreference.
    this will also persist the preference in the storage mechanism you setup with the persistence parameter.
    currency is a string currency code.

  • currencyConverter.display( valueInBaseCurrency, options ) function
    convert and format a monetary value, for presentation to the user.

    • parameters:
      • valueInBaseCurrency number
        the value to present to the user. like 1234.56 for $1,234.56.
      • options (optional) ConverterDisplayParams object
        • currency (optional) string
          specify a currency to override the targetCurrency.
          don't be confused here: this is not specifying the currency of the input value β€” instead, this specifies the requested output currency.
        • precision (optional) integer number
          force a specific amount of precision to display the number.
          eg, 3 gives you "$1,234.560",
          eg, 0 gives you "$1,235",
          defaults to 2.
    • returns: Money object
      • value number
        the amount of money, as a javascript number. like 1234.56
      • amount string
        the amount of money, as a human-friendly string. like "1,234.56"
      • price string
        "the works" string, like "$1,234.56 USD"
      • currency CurrencyDetails object
        • code string
          currency code, like "USD".
        • name string
          full name of the currency, like "United States Dollar".
        • symbol string currency symbol, like "$".

πŸ› οΈ core functions for custom integrations

currency tools

  • downloadExchangeRates
    import {downloadExchangeRates} from "crnc"
    downloads exchange rates from the bank of canada's open api.

  • convertCurrency
    import {convertCurrency} from "crnc"
    exchange a money value from one currency to another.

  • formatCurrency
    import {formatCurrency} from "crnc"
    express a money value as a human-friendly string.
    (adds dollar signs and commas and stuff)

  • convertAndFormatCurrency
    import {convertAndFormatCurrency} from "crnc"
    exchange a money value, and format it, in one shot.
    (simply a convenience function, combines convertCurrency and formatCurrency)

ecommerce helpers

  • assumeUserCurrency
    import {assumeUserCurrency} from "crnc"
    assume what currency the user might want to see based on locale.

πŸ’– made with open source love, just for you

please consider contributing by submitting issues or pull requests.

email me if you'd like to chat.

  🍻 chase moskal