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Bunkatopics is a Topic Modeling Visualisation Method that leverages Transformers from HuggingFace through langchain. It is built with the same philosophy as BERTopic but goes deeper in the visualization to help users grasp quickly and intuitively the content of thousands of text. It also allows for a supervised visual representation by letting the user create continnums with natural language.


First, create a new virtual environment using pyenv

pyenv virtualenv 3.9 bunkatopics_env

Activate the environment

pyenv activate bunkatopics_env

Then Install the Bunkatopics package:

pip install bunkatopics

Install the spacy tokenizer model for english:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


Any contribution is more than welcome

pip install poetry
git clone
cd BunkaTopics

# Create the environment from the .lock file. 
poetry install # This will install all packages in the .lock file inside a virtual environmnet

# Start the environment
poetry shell

Getting Started

Name Link
Visual Topic Modeling With Bunkatopics Open In Colab

Quick Start

We start by extracting topics from the well-known 20 newsgroups dataset containing English documents:

from bunkatopics import bunkatopics
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
import random
full_docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all',  remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
full_docs_random = random.sample(full_docs, 1000)

You can the load any model from langchain. Some of them might be large, please check the langchain documentation

If you want to start with a small model:

from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings

embedding_model = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")

bunka = Bunka(model_hf=embedding_model)
df_topics = bunka.get_topics(n_clusters = 20)

If you want a bigger LLM Like Instructor

from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings

embedding_model = HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings(model_name="hkunlp/instructor-large",
                                                embed_instruction="Embed the documents for visualisation of Topic Modeling on a map : ")

bunka = Bunka(model_hf=embedding_model)
df_topics = bunka.get_topics(n_clusters = 20)

Then, we can visualize

topic_fig = bunka.visualize_topics( width=800, height=800)

The map display the different texts on a 2-Dimensional unsupervised scale. Every region of the map is a topic described by its most specific terms.

bourdieu_fig = bunka.visualize_bourdieu(x_left_words=["past"],
                                        x_right_words=["future", "futuristic"],
                                        y_top_words=["politics", "Government"],
                                        y_bottom_words=["cultural phenomenons"],

The power of this visualisation is to constrain the axis by creating continuums and looking how the data distribute over these continuums. The inspiration is coming from the French sociologist Bourdieu, who projected items on 2 Dimensional maps.


The package use Spacy to extract meaningfull terms for the topic represenation.

If you wish to change language to french, first, download the corresponding spacy model:

python -m spacy download fr_core_news_lg
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings

embedding_model = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2")

bunka = Bunka(model_hf=embedding_model, language = 'fr_core_news_lg')
df_topics = bunka.get_topics(n_clusters = 20)


Here are all the things you can do with Bunkatopics


Below, you will find an overview of common functions in BERTopic.

Method Code
Fit the model .fit(docs)
Fit the model and get the topics .fit_transform(docs)
Acces the topics .get_topics(n_clusters=10)
Access the top documents per topic .get_top_documents()
Access the distribution of topics .get_topic_repartition()
Visualize the topics on a Map .visualize_topics()
Visualize the topics on Natural Language Supervised axis .visualize_bourdieu()
Access the Coherence of Topics .get_topic_coherence()
Get the closest documents to your search .search('politics')


You can access several attributes

Attribute Description
.docs The documents stores as a Document pydantic model
.topics The Topics stored as a Topic pydantic model.