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Chargebee Typescript Client Library - API V2

npm npm

This is a server-side typescript library for integrating with Chargebee. Sign up for a Chargebee account here.


Node 8 or higher.


Install the latest version of the library with:

npm install chargebee-typescript
# or
yarn add chargebee-typescript
# or
pnpm install chargebee-typescript


The package needs to be configured with your site's API key, which is available under Configure Chargebee Section. Refer here for more details.

import { ChargeBee } from 'chargebee-typescript';
const chargebee = new ChargeBee();

  site: 'YOUR_SITE_NAME',
  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

Using Async / Await

try {
  const { customer } = await chargebee.customer
      email: '[email protected]',
      // other params
} catch (err) {
  // handle error

Using Promises

    email: '[email protected]',
    // other params
  .then((result) => {
    // handle result
    // access customer as result.customer;
  .catch((err) => {
    // handle error

Using callbacks

    email: '[email protected]',
    // other params
  .request(function (error, result) {
    if (error) {
      // handle error
    } else {
      // handle result

Using typings

import { ChargeBee, _customer } from 'chargebee-typescript';
const chargebee = new ChargeBee();

  site: 'YOUR_SITE_NAME',
  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

const createCustomer = async () => {
  const params: _customer.create_params = {
    email: '[email protected]',
    first_name: 'John',
    last_name: 'Doe',

  const { customer } = await chargebee.customer.create(params).request();


Accessing the response object

The response object returned by the request() method is generic response wrapper. You need to access the resource from it. For example,

  • To access customer object.
const result = await chargebee.customer.create({ email: '[email protected]' }).request();

Other resources can be accessed by the same approach. For subscription, it will be result.subscription

  • To access list response.
const result = await chargebee.subscription
    /* params */

// A list of Subscription objects
console.log( => obj.subscription));


If you have a result (or children further down the line) and are unsure what properties are available, you can use Object.keys to get a list of available accessor properties. Using Object.keys in the previous example would yield

// ['list', 'next_offset']
// ['1', '2', '3'], e.g. `result.list` is an array with 3 entries
// ['activated_at', 'base_currency_code', ...]
// ['activated_at', 'base_currency_code', ...]
// ['activated_at', 'base_currency_code', ...]
// Which means we've reached the bottom and should have all the information available from this request
console.log( => obj.subscription));

Using filters in the List API

For pagination: offset is the parameter that is being used. The value used for this parameter must be the value returned for next_offset parameter in the previous API call.

const fetchCustomers = async (offset?: any) => {
  const params: _customer.customer_list_params = {
    limit: 2,
    first_name: {
      is: 'John',

  const result = await chargebee.customer.list(params).request();

  return {
    customers: => obj.customer),
    next_offset: result.next_offset,

const { customers, next_offset } = fetchCustomers();

// Fetching next set of customers

Using custom headers and custom fields:

  .create({ email: '[email protected]' })
    cf_host_url: '',
    'chargebee-event-email': 'all-disabled', // To disable webhooks
    'chargebee-request-origin-ip': '',
  .then((result) => {
    const customer = result.customer;

Create an idempotent request

Idempotency keys are passed along with request headers to allow a safe retry of POST requests.

import { ChargeBee } from 'chargebee-typescript';

    email: '[email protected]',
  .setIdempotencyKey('<<UUID>>') // Replace <<UUID>> with a unique string
  .then((result) => {
    const customer: typeof chargebee.customer = result.customer;
    const responseHeaders = result.getResponseHeaders(); // Retrieves response headers
    const idempotencyReplayedValue = result.isIdempotencyReplayed(); // Retrieves idempotency replayed header value

Note: isIdempotencyReplayed() method can be accessed to differentiate between original and replayed requests.

Error handling:

All asynchronous errors will be available as the first argument of request() method's callback or in the form of a rejected promise. Detailed documentation on error handling is available here.

//The callback function that you provide needs to take in two arguments. The first being error object and the
//second being the response. Incase of error, the error object is passed.
    //create params...
  .request(function (error, result) {
    if (error) {
    } else {

function handleCreateSubscriptionError(ex) {
  if (ex.type == 'payment') {
    // First check for card parameters entered by the user.
    // We recommend you to validate the input at the client side itself to catch simple mistakes.
    if ('card[number]' == ex.param) {
      // Ask your user to recheck the card number. A better way is to use
      // Stripe's for validating it in the client side itself.
      //}else if(<other card params> == ex.param){
      //Similarly check for other card parameters entered by the user.
    } else {
      // Verfication or processing failures.
      // Provide a standard message to your user to recheck his card details or provide a different card.
      // Like  'Sorry,there was a problem when processing your card, please check the details and try again'.
  } else if (ex.type == 'invalid_request') {
    // For coupons you could decide to provide specific messages by using
    // the 'api_error_code' attribute in the ex.
    if ('coupon' == ex.param) {
      if ('resource_not_found' == ex.api_error_code) {
        // Inform user to recheck his coupon code.
      } else if ('resource_limit_exhausted' == ex.api_error_code) {
        // Inform user that the coupon code has expired.
      } else if ('invalid_request' == ex.api_error_code) {
        // Inform user that the coupon code is not applicable for his plan(/addons).
      } else {
        // Inform user to recheck his coupon code.
    } else {
      // Since you would have validated all other parameters on your side itself,
      // this could probably be a bug in your code. Provide a generic message to your users.
  } else if (ex.type == 'operation_failed') {
    // Indicates that the request parameters were right but the request couldn't be completed.
    // The reasons might be "api_request_limit_exceeded" or could be due to an issue in ChargeBee side.
    // These should occur very rarely and mostly be of temporary nature.
    // You could ask your user to retry after some time.
  } else if (ex.type == 'io_error') {
    // Handle IO exceptions such as connection timeout, request timeout etc.
    // You could give a generic message to the customer retry after some time.
  } else {
    // These are unhandled exceptions (Could be due to a bug in your code or very rarely in client library).
    // The errors from ChargeBee such as authentication failures will come here.
    // You could ask users contact your support.


The full documentation can be found on the Chargebee API Docs:


See the LICENSE file.