GitHub Searcher | Search for a GitHub user and see nearly everything about the searched user!
GitHub Searcher is a simple app to help you track of Github informations. You could see the latest repositories, followers, following, most used languages, starred repositories, forked repositories, subscribing repositories of the searched user.
- React, Context API for state management.
- React Router for Routing.
- Github API
- Tailwind CSS for styling.
- ChartJS to build awesome charts.
- Firebase for Authentication.
- Framer Motion to create nice looking animations.
- Toastify for the toasts.
Login with e-mail and password | | GitHub | | Google | | Twitter | | Sign Up with e-mail and password | Or just test the app with no sign-in & sign-up requirements.
- I used Firebase Authentication for signing in and signing out. User has to create a user to enter the app. Without an account, user will be automatically redirected to the Sign In page. I managed that with Private Route.
- Searching the typed GitHub user and fetching all the informations about user from GitHub API. I did all that with Context. I used higher order JavaScript functions: map(), reduce(), filter() and other reasonable methods like sort(), slice() and Promise.all().