Helps you set up multiple input and output queues and link them into a job graph. As events flow through the queues jobs will be triggered and automatically read and write to input and output queues.
You can install IOQueue via [pip] from [PyPI]:
$ pip install job_queue
from job_queue import JobQueue
jq = JobQueue()"urls", output_q_name="links", batch_size=64)
def crawler(items, **env):
links = []
for item in items:
url = item['url']
links.append({'link': f"{url}/a.html", **item})
links.append({'link': f"{url}/b.html", **item})
return links"links", output_q_name="vecs", batch_size=128)
def transform(items, **cfg):
vectors = []
for item in items:
vectors.append({'vector': [1, 2, 3], **item})
return vectors
# Load up the DAG with initial data
urls = [dict(url=f"{idx}.com") for idx in range(256)]
# Run until all links report there's no more data
# left to process
outputs = jq.links['transform'].get_outputs(1000)
Distributed under the terms of the [MIT license][license], IOQueue is free and open source software.