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This is the standard buildout configuration for the CellML Website.

To install, it requires the standard set of system dependencies needed for a Zope/Plone installation, namely the C compiler, Python 2.7 header files and build related packages. On a Debian/Ubuntu compatible system please install the following packages:

  • build-essential
  • zlib1g-dev
  • libxml2-dev
  • libxslt1-dev
  • python2.7-dev

To test, just do:

$ python2.7
$ bin/buildout

Start it off by:

$ bin/zeoserver-testing start
$ bin/instance-testing start

If you are trying to stage this, please use the appropriate buildout configuration file:

$ bin/buildout -c staging-instance.cfg

Since Zope 2.4, VirtualHostMonster is recommended over SiteRoot to put Zope behind Apache and have all requests be redirected correctly. In this case, this will be the URI to use:


For https, this will be the URI:
