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Wombo Dream API

Warning Dream API now uses the official Wombo Dream API and requires an API key. Endpoints for gallery, trading card, and shop are no longer supported. See changelog for more details.

Promise based NodeJS API for Wombo Dream.


Add dream-api to your project:

npm i dream-api

Sign up for Dream API to get an API key.

const WomboDream = require('dream-api');
const dreamKey = "<API-KEY-HERE>";


Generate an image from a text prompt

let image = await WomboDream.generateImage(1, "dog", dreamKey);


WomboDream.generateImage(1, "dog", dreamKey).then(image => {

Generate an image from a text prompt and input image

let image = await WomboDream.generateImage(1, "dog", dreamKey, "image.jpg", "LOW");


WomboDream.generateImage(1, "dog", dreamKey, "image.jpg", "LOW").then(image => {

Generate an image, with a callback function

let image = await WomboDream.generateImage(1, "dog", dreamKey, null, null, null, null, console.log));


WomboDream.generateImage(1, "dog", dreamKey, null, null, null, null, console.log).then(image => {

See examples/await.js and examples/promise.js for much more example code.




  • Retrieve all available styles. Returns array of style objects.
  • Does not require authentication.


  • Print all available styles to console in a formatted table. Returns nothing.
  • Does not require authentication.

Image Generation

generateImage(style, prompt, token [, imagePath [, weight]] [, width] [, height] [, callback] [, interval])

  • Generates an image based on the style, prompt and input image. Returns image object.
  • Set any optional parameter to null in order to skip that function and use a later parameter.
  • style: int Style number (from getStyles()).
  • prompt: string Image prompt. String of up to 100 characters.
  • token: string API Key
  • imagePath: string (Optional) Path to jpg / jpeg image.
  • weight: string or float (Optional) Influence of the input image.
    • String LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH
    • Float 0.0 - 1.0
    • Defaults to MEDIUM (0.5)
  • width: int (Optional) Width of image
    • Defaults to 950
  • height: int (Optional) Height of image
    • Defaults to 1560
  • callback: function (Optional) Callback function for intermediate image generation steps.
    • callback is passed 1 argument, the JSON image object containing the status, task info and intermediate images.
  • interval: int (Optional) Milliseconds to wait between status checks and callback function.
    • Defaults to 1000

createTaskID(token [, image])

  • Creates a new image generation task (used internally in generateImage()). Returns image object.
  • token: string API Key
  • image: boolean Whether or not to use influence image (specified in createTast())

createTask(token, taskID, prompt, style [, weight] [, width] [, height])

  • Configure and start image generation task (used internally in generateImage()). Returns image object.
  • token: string API Key
  • taskID: string ID of the task.
    • await WomboDream.createTaskID(...).id
  • prompt: string Image prompt. String of up to 100 characters.
  • style: int Style number (from getStyles()).
  • weight: string or float (Optional) Influence of the input image.
    • String LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH
    • Float 0.0 - 1.0
    • Defaults to MEDIUM (0.5)
  • width: int (Optional) Width of image
    • Defaults to 950
  • height: int (Optional) Height of image
    • Defaults to 1560

checkStatus(token, taskID [, interval] [, callback])

  • Check status of image generation task (used internally in generateImage()). Returns image object.
  • If loop is unset or null, will check status once. If set to true, will check status every loop ms until task is complete.
  • token: string API Key
  • taskID: string ID of the task.
    • await WomboDream.createTaskID(...).id
  • interval: int (Optional) Milliseconds to wait between status checks.
  • callback: function (Optional) Callback function for intermediate image generation steps.

Additional Functions

uploadPhoto(imagePath, token)

  • Uploads a photo for later use (used internally in generateImage()). Returns upload status code.
  • imagePath: string Path to jpg / jpeg image.
  • token: string API Key.

Development & Testing


Mocha tests for some basic functions are included in test/test.js, runnable through npm test. To run tests, set environment variable DREAM_API_KEY or use DREAM_API_KEY=KEY_HERE npm test to temporarily set variable. Not all functions are tested. The primary purpose of testing is to ensure that the internal Wombo API URLs are still valid.

Tested functions include:

  • Style retrieval
  • Prompt based generation
  • Image based generation

Tests are run through CircleCI weekly, and on every commit using .circleci/config.yml. If any test fails, the script will throw exit code 1, rather than exit code 0, and will set the test status to failed, indicating that at least one API function is broken. To see test results, visit the CircleCI testing page.


Release publishing is automated through GitHub actions. On every release, the package is automatically published to both NPM and GitHub Packages, using the workflows defined in .github/workflows.