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UXY: Adding structure to the UNIX tools

Treating everything as a string is the way through which the great power and verstatility of UNIX tools is achieved. However, sometimes the constant parsing of strings gets a bit cumbersome.

UXY is a tool to manipulate UXY format, which is a basically a two-dimenstional table that's both human- and machine-readable.

The format is deliberately designed to be as similar to the output of standard tools, such as ls or ps, as possible.

UXY tool also wraps some common UNIX tools and exports their output in UXY format. Along with convertors from/to other common data formats (e.g. JSON) it is meant to allow for quick and painless access to the data.


$ uxy ls
TYPE PERMISSIONS LINKS OWNER      GROUP      SIZE         TIME                                  NAME 
-    rw-r--r--   1     martin     martin     7451         "2019-05-19 23:35:13.552174105 +0200" 
-    rwxr-xr-x   1     martin     martin     11518        "2019-05-20 04:08:36.847163604 +0200" uxy
$ uxy ls | uxy reformat "NAME SIZE"
uxy  11518 
$ uxy ls | uxy reformat "NAME SIZE" | uxy align
NAME      SIZE 7451 
uxy       11518
$ uxy ls /home/martin/uxy | uxy to-json
        "TYPE": "-",
        "PERMISSIONS": "rw-r--r--",
        "LINKS": "1",
        "OWNER": "martin",
        "GROUP": "martin",
        "SIZE": "7381",
        "TIME": "2019-05-20 04:16:28.628848180 +0200",
        "NAME": ""
        "TYPE": "-",
        "PERMISSIONS": "rwxr-xr-x",
        "LINKS": "1",
        "OWNER": "martin",
        "GROUP": "martin",
        "SIZE": "11518",
        "TIME": "2019-05-20 04:08:36.847163604 +0200",
        "NAME": "uxy"

$ uxy ps | uxy to-json | jq '.[].CMD'
$ cat test.csv 
Moby Dick,14:22
$ cat test.csv | uxy from-csv | uxy align
NAME        TIME
Quasimodo   14:30 
"Moby Dick" 14:22 

UXY format


UXY format is designed with the following requirements in mind:

  • It should be human-readable.
  • It should be as similar to the output of standard tools, such as ls or ps, as possible.
  • At the same time it should be unambiguous and thus parsable in deterministic manner.
  • It should be, to some minimal extent, self-describing (column names).
  • It should work well with infinite streams (think, for example, the output of tail command).
  • It should be resilient. No possible input should crash the tool.

Records and fields

  • UXY format is a possibly infinite list of lines separated by newlines.
  • Each line is composed of fields separated by arbitrary number of spaces.
  • Fields starting AND ending with a double quote are treated in a special way:
    • The delimiting double-quote characters themselves are ignored.
    • The characters inside the quotes, including spaces, are taken as they are.
    • The only exception are the characters preceded by backslash. These are encoded as follows:
      • \" double quote
      • \\ backslash
      • \t tab
      • \n newline
      • any other escape sequence MUST be interpreted as ? (question mark) character.
  • Any control characters (e.g. TAB) MUST be interpreted as ? (question mark) characters.


  • First line of UXY format is the header.
  • The format of the header line is identical to any other UXY line, however, its semantics differ.
  • The value of a field in the header is the name of that particular column.
  • The spacing of the fields in the header is a hint for the tools. They SHOULD try to align the data with the headers.

Interactions between headers and records

  • Fields may or may not be aligned with each other or with the headers.
  • If there are less fields in a record than in the header the missing values are assumed to be empty strings.
  • It is valid to for a record to have more fields than the header. The tools should consider the name of such column to be an empty string.


Alice 25  "Main Road 1, London" "Let's use this unnamed field for comments."
Bob   23  ""
Carol 55  "Hotel \"Excelsior\", New York"
  Dylan             15


All UXY tools take input from stdin and write the result to stdout.

The tools follow the Postel's principle: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others." They accept any UXY input, but they try to align the fields in the output with the headers.

uxy align

Aligns the data with the headers. This is done by resizing the columns so that even the longest value fits into the column.

$ ls -l | uxy re "TIME NAME" ".* +(.*) +(.*)" | uxy align
14:22 uxy

This command doesn't work with infinite streams.

uxy from-csv

Converts from CSV to UXY format.

$ cat test.csv 
Moby Dick,14:22
$ cat test.csv | uxy from-csv | uxy align
NAME        TIME  
Quasimodo   14:30 
"Moby Dick" 14:22 

uxy from-json

Converts from JSON to UXY format.

$ cat test.json 
    {"Name": "Quasimodo", "Time": "14:30"},
    {"Name": "Moby Dick", "Time": "14:22"}
$ uxy from-json < test.json 
Name        Time
Quasimodo   14:30 
"Moby Dick" 14:22

uxy from-yaml

Converts from YAML to UXY format.

$ cat test.yml 
- Name: Mercury
  Diameter: 4880 km
- Name: Venus
  Diameter: 12103 km
- Name: Earth
  Diameter: 12742 km
  Color: Blue
$ uxy from-yaml < test.yml 
Color Diameter   Name
""    "4880 km"  Mercury 
""    "12103 km" Venus
Blue  "12742 km" Earth

uxy ls

Wraps ls tool and outputs the results in UXY format.

$ uxy ls
TYPE PERMISSIONS LINKS OWNER      GROUP      SIZE         TIME                                  NAME 
-    rw-r--r--   1     martin     martin     7451         "2019-05-19 23:35:13.552174105 +0200" 
-    rwxr-xr-x   1     martin     martin     11518        "2019-05-20 04:08:36.847163604 +0200" uxy 

uxy ps

Wraps ps tool and outputs the results in UXY format.

$ uxy ps
PID      TTY      TIME       CMD 
20829    pts/1    00:00:00   bash 
29944    pts/1    00:00:00   uxy 
29945    pts/1    00:00:00   ps

uxy re

Reads the lines of the input and parses each one using the supplied regular expression. Matched groups are then assigned to the fields specified in the header.

$ ls -l | uxy re "TIME NAME" ".* +(.*) +(.*)"
14:22 uxy

uxy reformat

Takes an UXY input and reformats it according to the supplied headers.

It allows for:

  • reordering of columns
  • resizing of columns
  • dropping columns
  • adding new columns
$ cat test.uxy 
16:08 uxy
$ uxy reformat "NAME          TIME" < test.uxy 
NAME          TIME     15:03 
uxy           16:08 

uxy to-csv

Converts UXY format to CSV.

$ uxy ls | uxy to-csv
-,rw-r--r--,1,martin,martin,7419,2019-05-20 04:28:47.211667681 +0200,
-,rwxr-xr-x,1,martin,martin,11912,2019-05-20 04:41:35.316650681 +0200,uxy

uxy to-json

Converts UXY format to JSON.

$ ls -l | uxy re "time name" ".* +(.*) +(.*)" | uxy to-json
        "time": "14:22",
        "name": ""
        "time": "14:22",
        "name": "uxy"

uxy to-yaml

Converts UXY format to YAML.

$ uxy ps | uxy to-yaml
- PID: '512'
  TIME: 00:00:00 uxy
  TTY: pts/22
- PID: '513'
  TIME: 00:00:00 uxy
  TTY: pts/22
- PID: '514'
  TIME: 00:00:00 ps
  TTY: pts/22
- CMD: bash
  PID: '12392'
  TIME: 00:00:01
  TTY: pts/22


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