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============= ckanext-mdedit

.. A Metadata Editor Extension which uses ckanext-scheming and changes the appearance of the dataset and resource form .. Includes Tabs to group the json fields .. Beta State ... still under developement!!!


Tested with ckan 2.5.2 Using ckanext-scheming Integrates as well ckanext-spatial


.. Add any additional install steps to the list below. For example installing any non-Python dependencies or adding any required config settings.

.. Requires ckanext-scheming!

To install ckanext-mdedit:

  1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example::

    . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate

  2. Install the ckanext-mdedit Python package into your virtual environment::

    pip install ckanext-mdedit

  3. Add mdedit to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file (by default the config file is located at /etc/ckan/default/production.ini). IMPORTANT: Insert 'mdedit' before 'scheming_datasets'

  4. Restart CKAN. For example if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu::

    sudo service apache2 reload

Config Settings

Add presets and json config file in your production.ini:

scheming.dataset_schemas = ckanext.mdedit:ckan_ccca_formated_help_iso_inspire_tabs.json

scheming.presets = ckanext.scheming:presets.json

The tabs are recognized by the field_name 'tab_delimiter'. Change and reorder them as you like. IMPORTANT: If you intend to use the tabs (i.e. grouping of fields) the first field MUST be a tab_delimiter field

tab_delimiter fields have an option: "necessary". If this option is used a red marker is inserted before the tab/group name to identify groups which contain required fields.

Add additional resource fields for searching in development/production.ini

ckan.extra_resource_fields = par_experiment par_model par_frequency par_variables par_ensemble


(generated with: awk '/field_name/{print $0}/tab_delimiter/{print $0}/label/{print $0}/value/{print $0}/help_text/{print $0}' ckan_ccca_formated_help_iso_inspire_tabs.json AND: vi)

Group: Basics
Field: title
Label: Title
Info: A title for your dataset.
Profile Info: ISO_resTitle (m),  INSPIRE_ResourceTitle (m)
Field: name
Label: URL
Field: notes
Label: Abstract
Info: Brief narrative summary of the content of the dataset.
Profile Info: ISO_idAbs (m),  INSPIRE_ResourceAbstract (m).
Field: idStatus
Label: Status of the resource(s)
Info: Status of the resource(s) within this dataset.
Profile Info: ISO_idStatus (m)  INSPIRE -
    Value: 007
    Label: under development
    Value: 001
    Label: completed
    Value: 002
    Label: historical archive
    Value: 003
    Label: obsolete
    Value: 004
    Label: ongoing
    Value: 005
    Label: planned
    Value: 006
    Label: required
Field: mdLang
Label: Metadata Language
Info: Language used for the metadata (default english)
Profile Info: ISO mdLang (o),  INSPIRE_MetadataLanguage (m).
    Value: eng
    Label: English
    Value: ger
    Label: Deutsch
Field: mdDate
Label: Metadata Date
Info: Date of creation or last modification of this Dataset (automatically inserted)
Profile Info: ISO_mdDateSt (m),  INSPIRE_MetadataDate (m).
Field: license_id
Label: License
Info: License definitions and additional information can be found at
Profile Info: ISO_accesConsts (m),  INSPIRE_LimitationsOnPublicAccessConstraints (m).
Field: state
Label: Server State of the Dataset
Info: Server internal state (automatically filled)

Group: Constraints
Field: useLimit
Label: Use Limitation
Info: Limitation affecting the fitness for use of the resource or metadata. Example: 'not to be used for navigation'
Profile Info: ISO_useLimit (o),  INSPIRE_ConditionsApplyingToAccessAndUse (m).
Field: accessConsts
Label: Access Constraints
Info: Access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the resource or metadata.
Profile Info: ISO_accessConsts (o),  INSPIRE_LimitationsOnPublicAccessConstraints (c).
    Value: 001
    Label: copyright
    Value: 002
    Label: patent
    Value: 003
    Label: patent pending
    Value: 004
    Label: trademark
    Value: 005
    Label: license
    Value: 006
    Label: intellectual property rights
    Value: 007
    Label: restricted
    Value: 008
    Label: other restrictions
Field: useConsts
Label: Use Constraints
Info: Constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations or warnings on using the resource or metadata.
Profile Info: ISO_otherConstraints (c),  INSPIRE_LimitationsOnPublicAccessOtherConstraints (c)
    Value: 001
    Label: copyright
    Value: 002
    Label: patent
    Value: 003
    Label: patent pending
    Value: 004
    Label: trademark
    Value: 005
    Label: license
    Value: 006
    Label: intellectual property rights
    Value: 007
    Label: restricted
    Value: 008
    Label: other restrictions
Field: class
Label: Handling Restrictions
Info: Handling restrictions on the resource or metadata: unclassified, restricted, confidential, top secret, ...
Profile Info: ISO_class (c).  INSPIRE_LimitationsOnPublicAccessClassification (c).
    Value: 001
    Label: unclassified
    Value: 002
    Label: restricted
    Value: 003
    Label: confidential
    Value: 004
    Label: secret
    Value: 005
    Label: top secret

Group: Keywords
Field: tpCat
Label: Topic Category/ies
Info: Main theme(s) of the dataset. See
Profile Info: ISO_tpCat (c),  INSPIRE_TopicCategory (m).
    Value: 001
    Label: farming
    Value: 002
    Label: biota
    Value: 003
    Label: boundaries
    Value: 004
    Label: climatology, meteorology, atmosphere
    Value: 005
    Label: economy
    Value: 006
    Label: elevation
    Value: 007
    Label: environment
    Value: 008
    Label: geoscientific information
    Value: 009
    Label: health
    Value: 010
    Label: imagery, basemaps, earth cover
    Value: 011
    Label: intelligence military
    Value: 012
    Label: inland waters
    Value: 013
    Label: location
    Value: 014
    Label: oceans
    Value: 015
    Label: planning cadastre
    Value: 016
    Label: society
    Value: 017
    Label: structure
    Value: 018
    Label: transportation
    Value: 019
    Label: utilities communication
Field: tag_string
Label: Keywords
Info: Commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject.
Profile Info: ISO_keyword (m),  INSPIRE_KeywordValue (m).
Field: keyTyp
Label: Keyword Type
Info: Subject matter used to group smimlar keywords
Profile Info: ISO_keyTyp (o),  INSPIRE -
    Value: 001
    Label: discipline - keyword identifies a branch of instruction or specialized learning
    Value: 002
    Label:  place - keyword identifies a location
    Value: 003
    Label: stratum - keyword identifies the layer(s) of any deposited substance
    Value: 004
    Label: temporal - keyword identifies a time period related to the dataset
    Value: 005
    Label: theme - keyword identifies a particular subject or topic
  Field: thesaurusName
  Label: Thesaurus Name
  Info: Official title of the used Thesaurus, or other vocabulary or dictionary used.
  Profile Info: ISO_thesaurusName (o),  INSPIRE_OriginatingControlledVocabulary (c).
  Field: thesaRefDate
  Profile Info: ISO CI_DATE (o),  INSPIRE_DateOfPublication (o).
  Label: Reference Date
  Info: Reference date for the cited Thesaurus.
  Field: thesRrefDateType
  Profile Info: ISO_refdateType (o),  INSPIRE_DateOfPublication (o).
  Label: Date Type
  Info: Datetype for the cited Thesaurus reference date.
      {Value: 001
       Label: creation}
      {Value: 002
       Label: publication}
      {Value: 003
       Label: revision}

Group: Spatial
Field: polygon
Label: Polygon
Info: Select area describing the dataset spatial extend
Field: westBL
Profile Info: ISO_westBL (m),  INSPIRE_GeographicBoundingBox (m).
Label: West Bound Longitude
Info: Western-most coordinate of the limit of the resource extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees (positive east).
Field: eastBL
Profile Info: ISO ISO_eastBL (m),  INSPIRE_GeographicBoundingBox (m).
Label: East Bound Longitude
Info: Eastern-most coordinate of the limit of the resource extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees (positive east).
Field: southBL
Profile Info: ISO_southBL (m),  INSPIRE_GeographicBoundingBox (m).
Label: South Bound Latitude
Info: Southern-most coordinate of the limit of the resource extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees (positive north).
Field: northBL
Profile Info: ISO_northBL (m),  INSPIRE_GeographicBoundingBox (m).
Label: North Bound Latitude
Info: Northern-most coordinate of the limit of the resource extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees (positive north).

Group: Time
Field: sDate
Profile Info: ISO_exTemp (m),  INSPIRE_TemporalExtent (m).
Label: Starting Date
Info: Starting date for the datasets temporal extent.
Field: eDate
Label: Ending Date
Profile Info: ISO_exTemp (m),  INSPIRE_TemporalExtent (m).
Info: Ending date for the datasets temporal extent.
Field: creaDate
Profile Info: ISO CI_DATE (o),  INSPIRE_DateOfCreation (o).
Label: Date of creation
Info: Date of creation of the resources within this dataset.
Field: pubDate
Profile Info: ISO mdDateSt (o),  INSPIRE_MetadataDate (o).
Label: Date of publication
Info: Date of publication of the resources within this  dataset.
Field: revDate
Profile Info: ISO mdDateSt (o),  INSPIRE_MetadataDate (o).
Label: Date of revision
Info: Date of revision of the resources within this  dataset

Group: Quality
Field: equivScale
Profile Info: ISO equivalentScale (o),  INSPIRE_SpatialResolution (o).
Label: Equivalent Scale
Info: Equivalent scale:level of detail expressed as the scale denominator of a comparable hardcopy map or chart; dictance:ground sample distance
Field: scaleDist
Profile Info: ISO distance (o),  INSPIRE_SpatialResolution (o).
Label: Scale Distance
Info: Ground sample distance. Positive integer(equivalent scale); number expressing the distance Value and a unit of measure of the distance value(distance)
Info: Ground sample distance. Positive integer(equivalent scale); number expressing the distance Value and a unit of measure of the distance value(distance)
Field: lineage
Profile Info: ISO_statement (o),  INSPIRE_Lineage (o).
Label: Lineage
Info: General explanation of the data producer's knowledge about the lineage of a dataset.

Group: Conformity
Field: Specifications
Profile Info: ISO_conSpec (m),  INSPIRE_Specification (m).
Label: Specification
Info: Citation of the product specification or user requirement against which data is beeing evaluated.
    Value: 001
    Label: COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata;2008-12-04
    Value: 002
    Label: Corrigendum to INSPIRE Metadata Regulation published in the Official Journal of the European Union, L 328, page 83;2009-12-15
    Value: 003
    Label: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services;2010-12-08
    Value: 004
    Label: COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1088/2010 of 23 November 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 as regards download services and transformation services;2010-12-08
    Value: 005
    Label: COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services;2009-10-20
    Value: 006
    Label: COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 268/2010 of 29 March 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions;2010-03-30
    Value: 007
    Label: Commission Decision of 5 June 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards monitoring and reporting (notified under document number C(2009) 4199) (2009/442/EC);2009-06-11        }
Field: degree
Profile Info: ISO_conPass (m),  INSPIRE_Degree (m).
Label: Degree
Info: Indication of the conformance result.
    Value: 001
    Value: 002
    Label: not evaluated
    Value: 003
    Label: conformant
    Value: 004
    Label: not conformant

Group: Contact
Field: owner_org
Label: Organization
Info: Metadata Point of Contact: Name of responsible Organization
Profile Info: ISO_rpOrgName (c),  INSPIRE_ResponsibleParty (m).
Field: cntOnlineRes
Label: Webpage
Info: Webpage of the responsible Organization.
Profile Info: ISO_cntOnlineRes (o),  INSPIRE -.
Field: author_citation
Label: Citation Info
Info: Please enter the name(s) to be used in the citation reference for this dataset and resources. Default: Dataset Creator (see field below)
Field: maintainer
Label: Responsible Individual
Info: Metadata Point of Contact: Name of responsible Individual
Profile Info: ISO_rpIndName (c),  INSPIRE_ResponsibleParty
Field: maintainer_email
Label:  Responsible Individual E-Mail
Info: Mail Address of Responsible Individual
Profile Info: ISO_eMailAdd (o),  INSPIRE_ResponsibleParty .
Field: role
Label: Role
Profile Info: ISO_role (m),  INSPIRE_ResponsiblePartyRole (m).
    Value: author
    Label: Author
    Value: custodian
    Label: Custodian
    Value: distributor
    Label: Distributor
    Value: originator
    Label: Originator
    Value: owner
    Label: Owner
    Value: pointOfContact
    Label: Point of Contact
    Value: principalInvestigator
    Label: Principal Investigator
    Value: processor
    Label: Processor
    Value: publisher
    Label: Publisher
    Value: resourceProvider
    Label: Resource Provider
    Value: user
    Label: User
Field: author
Label: Dataset Creator
Info: Creator of this Dataset including the resources
Profile Info: ISO_rpIndName (c),  INSPIRE_ResponsibleParty
Field: author_email
Label: Dataset Creator E-Mail
Info: Mailadress of Dataset Creator
Profile Info: ISO_rpIndName (c),  INSPIRE_ResponsibleParty
Field: author_role
Label: Role
Profile Info: ISO_role (m),  INSPIRE_ResponsiblePartyRole (m).
    Value: author
    Label: Author
    Value: custodian
    Label: Custodian
    Value: distributor
    Label: Distributor
    Value: originator
    Label: Originator
    Value: owner
    Label: Owner
    Value: pointOfContact
    Label: Point of Contact
    Value: principalInvestigator
    Label: Principal Investigator
    Value: processor
    Label: Processor
    Value: publisher
    Label: Publisher
    Value: resourceProvider
    Label: Resource Provider
    Value: user
    Label: User
Field: url
Label: URL
Field: name
Label: Title
Info: Name by which the resource is known.
Field: decription
Label: Description
Info: Brief narrative summary of the content of the resource.
Field: format
Label: Format Name
Info: Name of the data transfer format(s) of the resource.
Profile Info: Matches ISO_SpatialRepresentationType (156) (o) and ISO_DistributionFormat (o)
Field: formatVer
Label: Format Version
Info: Version of the format(date, number, etc.).
Field: ResourceURI
Label: Resource URI
Info: Uniformed Resource Identifier (URI) - world wide valid and citable. Provided automatically by the CCCA Data Center.
Profile Info: ISO_linkage (o),  INSPIRE_ResourceLocator (m)

Config File Options

ckan_ccca_formated_help_iso_inspire_tabs.json ckan_ccca_formated_help_iso_inspire_tabs_non_required.json # No fields required - for import or harvest ckan_ccca_formated_help_iso_inspire_tabs_local_imp_handle.json # Include handle and local_imp ckan-extentions ckan_ccca_formated_help_iso_inspire_tabs_local_imp_handle_non_required.json

API function

package_contact_show(context, data_dict)

Search for contacts in a package.

You can either enter a search parameter and value or just display all contacts of a package (entered in the contact_info field).


  • package_id (string) - the id of the package
  • search_param (string) - the parameter which will be compared (optional)
  • search_value (string) - the value of the parameter (optional)

Return type: list of dictionaries

Development Installation

To install ckanext-mdedit for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do::

git clone
cd ckanext-mdedit
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Running the Tests

To run the tests, do::

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini

To run the tests and produce a coverage report, first make sure you have coverage installed in your virtualenv (pip install coverage) then run::

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.mdedit --cover-inclusive --cover-erase --cover-tests

Registering ckanext-mdedit on PyPI

ckanext-mdedit should be availabe on PyPI as If that link doesn't work, then you can register the project on PyPI for the first time by following these steps:

  1. Create a source distribution of the project::

    python sdist

  2. Register the project::

    python register

  3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI::

    python sdist upload

  4. Tag the first release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the file. For example if the version number in is 0.0.1 then do::

    git tag 0.0.1
    git push --tags

Releasing a New Version of ckanext-mdedit

ckanext-mdedit is availabe on PyPI as To publish a new version to PyPI follow these steps:

  1. Update the version number in the file. See PEP 440 <http:>_ for how to choose version numbers.

  2. Create a source distribution of the new version::

    python sdist

  3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI::

    python sdist upload

  4. Tag the new release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the file. For example if the version number in is 0.0.2 then do::

    git tag 0.0.2
    git push --tags