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Library for asm programs

Oliver Schmidt edited this page Jul 30, 2022 · 8 revisions

The TCP/IP library to be used by 6502 asm programmers using the ca65 macro assembler comes in two parts:

  • The core library, which comes in two variants:

    • ip65.lib - Minimal IP stack with UDP only
    • ip65_tcp.lib - Full featured TCP/IP stack
  • The driver library, which is specific for the target system and the Ethernet device:

    • C64

      • c64rrnet.lib - RR-Net (or clone)
      • c64eth64.lib - ETH64
      • c64combo.lib - RR-Net or ETH64
    • Apple ][

      • a2uther.lib - Uthernet (default slot: #3)
      • a2uther2.lib - Uthernet II (default slot: #3)
      • a2lancegs.lib - LANceGS (default slot: #3)
      • a2combo.lib - Uthernet or Uthernet II or LANceGS (default slot: #3)
    • ATARI 8-bit

      • atrdragon.lib - Dragon Cart
    • VIC20

      • vic20rrnet.lib - RR-Net (or clone)

There are no pre-built libraries for asm programs. The core libraries are built with make in the ip65 directory. The driver libraries are built with make in the drivers directory.

Make sure to first link the core library and then the driver library, otherwise there will be link errors.

The classic IP65 main page contains general information including a link to the (outdated) IP65 technical reference. Additionally it may be of use to look at the programs in the test directory.

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