Can be used to return geographical data based on country / state / city / zip.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
npm install -g zero
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
After installing zero npm globally. Run the following command:
npm run dev
With the server running locally, the following endpoints will be accessible:
Endpoint | Data Returned |
/api/countries | List of countries. |
/api/countries?id={id} | Country containing the id of the parameter. |
/api/countries?code={code} | Country containing the sortname of the code parameter. |
/api/states?state={country_id} | States containing the country_id of the parameter. |
/api/states?id={id} | State containing the id of the parameter. |
/api/cities?id={id} | City containing the id of the parameter. |
/api/cities?state={state id} | Cities containing the state id of the parameter. |
/api/zips/{stateAbbreviation}/{city} | Zips that exist in the state/city. |
/api/zips/{stateAbbreviation}/{city}?radius={number} | Zips that exist within a given radius to the state/city. |
/api/zips/verify/{zip} | Verifies the zip is valid and returns data associated with the zip |
/api/zips/verify/{zip}?radius={number} | Verifies the zip is valid and returns data associated with the zip |
- Zero Server - The web framework used.
- Countries-States-Cities-database - The data used.