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refactor: Apply Ormolu auto-formatting (#1045)
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eriksvedang committed Dec 2, 2020
1 parent f89a3f1 commit 7920a75
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Showing 45 changed files with 9,507 additions and 7,797 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Setup.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
import Distribution.Simple

main = defaultMain
347 changes: 180 additions & 167 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,195 +1,208 @@
module Main where

import qualified System.Environment as SystemEnvironment
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import ColorText
import Control.Monad (foldM, when)
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import Data.Maybe

import ColorText
import Eval
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import Info
import Obj
import Options.Applicative
import Path
import Project
import Types
import Repl
import StartingEnv
import Eval
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT)
import qualified System.Environment as SystemEnvironment
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Types
import Util
import Path
import Info

import Options.Applicative

defaultProject :: Project
defaultProject =
Project { projectTitle = "Untitled"
, projectIncludes = []
, projectCFlags =
case platform of
Windows ->
_ ->
[ "-fPIC"
, "-g"
, "-std=c99"
-- , "-pedantic"
, "-Wall"
, "-Werror"
, "-Wno-unused-variable"
, "-Wno-self-assign"
, projectLibFlags = case platform of
Windows -> []
_ -> [ "-lm" ]
, projectFiles = []
, projectAlreadyLoaded = []
, projectEchoC = False
, projectLibDir = "libs"
, projectCarpDir = "."
, projectOutDir = "out"
, projectDocsDir = "docs"
, projectDocsLogo = ""
, projectDocsPrelude = ""
, projectDocsURL = ""
, projectDocsGenerateIndex = True
, projectDocsStyling = "carp_style.css"
, projectBalanceHints = True
, projectPrompt = case platform of
MacOS -> ""
_ -> "> "
, projectCarpSearchPaths = []
, projectPrintTypedAST = False
, projectCompiler = case platform of
Windows -> "clang-cl.exe"
_ -> "clang"
, projectTarget = Native
, projectCore = True
, projectEchoCompilationCommand = False
, projectCanExecute = False
, projectFilePathPrintLength = FullPath
, projectGenerateOnly = False
, projectForceReload = False
, projectPkgConfigFlags = []
, projectCModules = []
, projectLoadStack = []
{ projectTitle = "Untitled",
projectIncludes = [],
projectCFlags = case platform of
Windows ->
_ ->
[ "-fPIC",
-- , "-pedantic"
projectLibFlags = case platform of
Windows -> []
_ -> ["-lm"],
projectFiles = [],
projectAlreadyLoaded = [],
projectEchoC = False,
projectLibDir = "libs",
projectCarpDir = ".",
projectOutDir = "out",
projectDocsDir = "docs",
projectDocsLogo = "",
projectDocsPrelude = "",
projectDocsURL = "",
projectDocsGenerateIndex = True,
projectDocsStyling = "carp_style.css",
projectBalanceHints = True,
projectPrompt = case platform of
MacOS -> ""
_ -> "> ",
projectCarpSearchPaths = [],
projectPrintTypedAST = False,
projectCompiler = case platform of
Windows -> "clang-cl.exe"
_ -> "clang",
projectTarget = Native,
projectCore = True,
projectEchoCompilationCommand = False,
projectCanExecute = False,
projectFilePathPrintLength = FullPath,
projectGenerateOnly = False,
projectForceReload = False,
projectPkgConfigFlags = [],
projectCModules = [],
projectLoadStack = []

-- | Starting point of the application.
main :: IO ()
main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8
args <- SystemEnvironment.getArgs
sysEnv <- SystemEnvironment.getEnvironment
fullOpts <- execParser $ (parseFull <**> helper) fullDesc
let execMode = optExecMode fullOpts
otherOptions = optOthers fullOpts
argFilesToLoad = optFiles fullOpts
logMemory = otherLogMemory otherOptions
core = not $ otherNoCore otherOptions
profile = not $ otherNoProfile otherOptions
optimize = otherOptimize otherOptions
generateOnly = otherGenerateOnly otherOptions
prompt = otherPrompt otherOptions
carpDir = lookup "CARP_DIR" sysEnv
ifCarpDirSet comp =
case carpDir of
Just _ -> comp
Nothing -> do
emitWarning "The environment variable `CARP_DIR` is not set."
if core
then emitErrorAndExit "Cannot use core libraries without `CARP_DIR` being set (if you want to provide your own, use `--no-core`)."
else comp
applySettings p = p { projectCFlags = ["-D LOG_MEMORY" | logMemory] ++
["-O3 -D NDEBUG" | optimize]
++ projectCFlags p
, projectCore = core
, projectGenerateOnly = generateOnly
, projectCarpDir = fromMaybe (projectCarpDir p) carpDir
, projectPrompt = fromMaybe (projectPrompt p) prompt
project = applySettings defaultProject
noArray = False
startingContext = Context
(startingGlobalEnv noArray)
(TypeEnv startingTypeEnv)
coreModulesToLoad = if core then coreModules (projectCarpDir project) else []
execStr :: String -> String -> Context -> IO Context
execStr info str ctx = executeString True False ctx str info
execStrs :: String -> [String] -> Context -> IO Context
execStrs info strs ctx = foldM (\ctx str -> execStr info str ctx) ctx strs
preloads = optPreload fullOpts
postloads = optPostload fullOpts
load = flip loadFiles
loadOnce = flip loadFilesOnce
carpProfile <- configPath "profile.carp"
hasProfile <- doesFileExist carpProfile
_ <- ifCarpDirSet
(pure startingContext
>>= load [carpProfile | hasProfile]
>>= execStrs "Preload" preloads
>>= loadOnce coreModulesToLoad
>>= load argFilesToLoad
>>= execStrs "Postload" postloads
>>= \ctx -> case execMode of
Repl -> do putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.4.2"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
snd <$> runRepl ctx
Build -> execStr "Compiler (Build)" "(build)" ctx
Install thing -> execStr "Installation" ("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")") ctx
BuildAndRun -> execStr "Compiler (Build & Run)" "(do (build) (run))" ctx
Check -> execStr "Check" "" ctx)
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
pure ()
main = do
setLocaleEncoding utf8
args <- SystemEnvironment.getArgs
sysEnv <- SystemEnvironment.getEnvironment
fullOpts <- execParser $ (parseFull <**> helper) fullDesc
let execMode = optExecMode fullOpts
otherOptions = optOthers fullOpts
argFilesToLoad = optFiles fullOpts
logMemory = otherLogMemory otherOptions
core = not $ otherNoCore otherOptions
profile = not $ otherNoProfile otherOptions
optimize = otherOptimize otherOptions
generateOnly = otherGenerateOnly otherOptions
prompt = otherPrompt otherOptions
carpDir = lookup "CARP_DIR" sysEnv
ifCarpDirSet comp =
case carpDir of
Just _ -> comp
Nothing -> do
emitWarning "The environment variable `CARP_DIR` is not set."
if core
then emitErrorAndExit "Cannot use core libraries without `CARP_DIR` being set (if you want to provide your own, use `--no-core`)."
else comp
applySettings p =
{ projectCFlags =
["-D LOG_MEMORY" | logMemory]
++ ["-O3 -D NDEBUG" | optimize]
++ projectCFlags p,
projectCore = core,
projectGenerateOnly = generateOnly,
projectCarpDir = fromMaybe (projectCarpDir p) carpDir,
projectPrompt = fromMaybe (projectPrompt p) prompt
project = applySettings defaultProject
noArray = False
startingContext =
(startingGlobalEnv noArray)
(TypeEnv startingTypeEnv)
coreModulesToLoad = if core then coreModules (projectCarpDir project) else []
execStr :: String -> String -> Context -> IO Context
execStr info str ctx = executeString True False ctx str info
execStrs :: String -> [String] -> Context -> IO Context
execStrs info strs ctx = foldM (\ctx str -> execStr info str ctx) ctx strs
preloads = optPreload fullOpts
postloads = optPostload fullOpts
load = flip loadFiles
loadOnce = flip loadFilesOnce
carpProfile <- configPath "profile.carp"
hasProfile <- doesFileExist carpProfile
_ <-
( pure startingContext
>>= load [carpProfile | hasProfile]
>>= execStrs "Preload" preloads
>>= loadOnce coreModulesToLoad
>>= load argFilesToLoad
>>= execStrs "Postload" postloads
>>= \ctx -> case execMode of
Repl -> do
putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.4.2"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
snd <$> runRepl ctx
Build -> execStr "Compiler (Build)" "(build)" ctx
Install thing -> execStr "Installation" ("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")") ctx
BuildAndRun -> execStr "Compiler (Build & Run)" "(do (build) (run))" ctx
Check -> execStr "Check" "" ctx
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
pure ()

-- | Options for how to run the compiler.
data FullOptions = FullOptions
{ optExecMode :: ExecutionMode
, optOthers :: OtherOptions
, optPreload :: [String]
, optPostload :: [String]
, optFiles :: [FilePath]
} deriving Show
data FullOptions
= FullOptions
{ optExecMode :: ExecutionMode,
optOthers :: OtherOptions,
optPreload :: [String],
optPostload :: [String],
optFiles :: [FilePath]
deriving (Show)

parseFull :: Parser FullOptions
parseFull = FullOptions
<$> parseExecMode
<*> parseOther
<*> many (strOption (long "eval-preload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading config and before FILES"))
<*> many (strOption (long "eval-postload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading FILES"))
<*> parseFiles
parseFull =
<$> parseExecMode
<*> parseOther
<*> many (strOption (long "eval-preload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading config and before FILES"))
<*> many (strOption (long "eval-postload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading FILES"))
<*> parseFiles

data OtherOptions = OtherOptions
{ otherNoCore :: Bool
, otherNoProfile :: Bool
, otherLogMemory :: Bool
, otherOptimize :: Bool
, otherGenerateOnly :: Bool
, otherPrompt :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
data OtherOptions
= OtherOptions
{ otherNoCore :: Bool,
otherNoProfile :: Bool,
otherLogMemory :: Bool,
otherOptimize :: Bool,
otherGenerateOnly :: Bool,
otherPrompt :: Maybe String
deriving (Show)

parseOther :: Parser OtherOptions
parseOther = OtherOptions
<$> switch (long "no-core" <> help "Don't load Core.carp")
<*> switch (long "no-profile" <> help "Don't load profile.carp")
<*> switch (long "log-memory" <> help "Log memory allocations")
<*> switch (long "optimize" <> help "Optimized build")
<*> switch (long "generate-only" <> help "Stop after generating the C code")
<*> optional (strOption (long "prompt" <> help "Set REPL prompt"))
parseOther =
<$> switch (long "no-core" <> help "Don't load Core.carp")
<*> switch (long "no-profile" <> help "Don't load profile.carp")
<*> switch (long "log-memory" <> help "Log memory allocations")
<*> switch (long "optimize" <> help "Optimized build")
<*> switch (long "generate-only" <> help "Stop after generating the C code")
<*> optional (strOption (long "prompt" <> help "Set REPL prompt"))

parseExecMode :: Parser ExecutionMode
parseExecMode =
flag' Check (long "check" <> help "Check project")
<|> flag' Build (short 'b' <> help "Build project")
<|> flag' BuildAndRun (short 'x' <> help "Build an run project")
<|> Install <$> strOption (short 'i' <> help "Install built product")
<|> pure Repl
<|> flag' Build (short 'b' <> help "Build project")
<|> flag' BuildAndRun (short 'x' <> help "Build an run project")
<|> Install <$> strOption (short 'i' <> help "Install built product")
<|> pure Repl

parseFiles :: Parser [FilePath]
parseFiles = many (argument str (metavar "FILES..."))

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