A simple Sinatra + Sequel boilerplate to start your api.
Clone the project and Run
# bundle install
Create a .development.env
file on the project root and add your DB connection credentials (and other needed env variables):
export RACK_ENV=development
export DB_USER=[your postgres username]
export DB_PASS=[your postgres password]
export DB_HOST=[your postgres host]
export DB_NAME=[your database name]
And then run
# bin/start_dev
to start your development environment
# bin/generate_migration [migration name]
All migrations will be created on db/migrate folder.
# bin/migrate
Please make sure that you have all environment variables exported, otherwise it will throw a DB error.
Create a .test.env
file on the project root and add your test DB connection credentials (and other needed env variables) for instance:
export RACK_ENV=test
export DB_USER=[your postgres username]
export DB_PASS=[your postgres password]
export DB_HOST=[your postgres host]
export DB_NAME=[your database name]
Write your specs and run:
# rspec spec