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Provides emoji supports for Git commit and Git log. Provides some easier commands that encapsulating git commands.


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  • Provides emoji supports for Git commit and Git log.
  • Provides some easier commands that encapsulating git commands.


> Install-Module -Name PSGitUtils


  • Invoke-GitCommit

    Same as git commit -m, but provides choices of types. It would generate the message like <type>(<scope>): <emoji> subject. You can modify $GitUtilsConfig to decide whether or not generating emoji and type.

    > Invoke-GitCommit "New Commit"
    > ggc "New Commit"
  • Invoke-GitHistory

    Same as git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset', but replaces Gitmoji code with emoji.

    > Invoke-GitHistory
    > Invoke-GitHistory 20
    > ggh
    > ggh 20
  • GitUtilsConfig

    > $GitUtilsConfig.Type = $True  # determine whether to show the <type>, default show
    > $GitUtilsConfig.Scope = $True # determine whether to show the <scope>, default show
    > $GitUtilsConfig.Emoji = $True # determine whether to show the <emoji>, default show
    > $GitUtilsConfig.EmojiFirst = $False # determine whether to place the <emoji> in front of <type>, default no
  • Other Aliases

    > gga   # git add [.|args]
    > ggb   # git branch [-av|args]
    > ggbd  # git branch -d [args] with user interactions
    > ggbs  # Try to delete the local branches that no longer exist on the remote
    > ggck  # git checkout [args], user interactions if args is empty
    > ggckb # git checkout -b <branch-name>
    > ggc   # git commit -m <msg> with user interactions
    > ggd   # git diff [args]
    > ggpl  # git pull [args]
    > ggps  # git push [args]
    > ggrst # git reset [args]
    > ggs   # git status [args]

Best Practices

# open default profile
> notepad $PROFILE
# copy the following code and paste it into $PROFILE
if (Get-Module PSGitUtils -ListAvailable) {
  Import-Module PSGitUtils         # initialize variables
  $GitUtilsConfig.Emoji = $false   # do not pick and insert <emoji>

  Set-Alias ga gga
  Set-Alias gb ggb
  Set-Alias gbd ggbd
  Set-Alias gbs ggbs
  Set-Alias gck ggck
  Set-Alias gckb ggckb
  Remove-Item 'Alias:\gcm' -Force
  Set-Alias gcm ggc
  Set-Alias gcmd Get-Command
  Set-Alias gd ggd
  Set-Alias gh ggl
  Set-Alias gpl ggpl
  Remove-Item 'Alias:\gps' -Force
  Set-Alias gps ggps
  Set-Alias grst ggrst
  Set-Alias gs ggs

# use (some examples...)
> gs # git status
> gh # git log
> gcm "test" # git commit -m "test"

Example of Invoke-GitCommit



Provides emoji supports for Git commit and Git log. Provides some easier commands that encapsulating git commands.








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