Hi there, I'm Chris Park 👋
🔭 I’m interested in Blockchain Core, Smart Contract, DeFi, and NFT.
🌱 I’m currently studying Golang, go-ethereum, Uniswap V4 hooks.
📄 I'm writing articles on Medium.
Onchain Visual Novel - Interchain Hackathon
- Project at Interchain Hackathon, hosted by Chainapsis and Interchain Foundation. With World Engine made by Argus labs, users can play p2p onchain visual novel game easily. Used World Engine, Next.js, and GPT-4.
- 1st prize on gaming track (Link).
Savvy - Codestates Blockchain Bootcamp
- Project at Codestates Blockchain Bootcamp, hosted by Codestates. With ERC-6551 standard, users can easily manage their NFT holders and maintain community. Used Solidity, Next.js, and MongoDB.
- 1st prize among every projects (Link).