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To run the ocsigen website site localy:

* Replicate the database or setup a connection with the
  database of 'ocsigen-build'. (See below)
* Compile and install eliom, ocsimore and ocsforge.
* In Makefile.local adjust OCSIMORE_STATIC to the path of your
  ocsimore statis files directory (it's usually /var/www/ocsimore or
  local/var/www/static in the source of ocsimore)
* {{{make run.local}}}. Default port is 8080.
* If something fails {{{make distclean}}}

=== Setup an ssh tunnel with the database of 'ocsigen-build'

In .ssh/config:

  Host ocsigen-build
  ProxyCommand ssh nc -q 0 %h %p
  LocalForward 5433 localhost:5432

Then extend in your environment with:

  export PGHOST=localhost
  export PGPORT=5433

You may add those variables in 'Makefile.local' and in the bundle's

To test the tunnel, run:

  psql -U ocsimore ocsimore

=== Duplicating the database


  pg_dump -U ocsimore ocsimore  > db.dump

On your host:

  sudo -u postgres dropdb ocsimore
  sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF-8 -T template0 -O ocsimore ocsimore
  createlang -U ocsimore plpgsql ocsimore
  psql -U ocsimore ocsimore -f db.dump

=== FAQ

- A "Not_found exception" is uncatched when I launch the server.

  You're database doesn't contain the projects' wiki (eliom,...).
  They are "hardcoded" in src/ until the "documentation
  wiki extensions" are merged into ocsforge.


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  • OCaml 58.1%
  • JavaScript 24.1%
  • CSS 15.3%
  • Makefile 2.5%