Starred repositories
Collezione di link a canali TV e Radio italiani visibili e ascoltabili da Internet con un media player
Sample app to showcase how third party developers can integrate with Sonos.
Block bad, possibly even malicious web crawlers (automated bots) using Nginx
React version of Material Dashboard by Creative Tim
Simple Blog created using DRF, React(Vite)/Redux/Router + Axios, all built and run in Docker
Push-button installer of macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra guests in Virtualbox on x86 CPUs for Windows, Linux, and macOS
example how to run FastApi behind Apache without reverse proxy using mod_wsgi
Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications
The one and only django app to receive & send mail with templates and multiple configurations.
A Django booking project for a health clinic.
📘 dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, built-in I/O operations (base64, csv, html, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities.
The coding environment for non-engineers
Line by line guide for developers to create a fascinating for their project. Feel free to Send PRs
Free resources for learning Full Stack Web Development
Django Skeleton W/ Docker Dev & Production W/ Webpack 2 W/ BabelJS W/ Sass W/ PostgreSQL
AdminKit is a free & open-source HTML dashboard & admin template based on Bootstrap 5
[shutdown] Viral project using RPi to hook a plant up to the internet
This source code explained the django model relationship.
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev