All password hashing algorithms for Django implemented in javascript for nodejs projects.
- PBKDF2PasswordHasher
- PBKDF2SHA1PasswordHasher
- BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher
- BCryptPasswordHasher
- SHA1PasswordHasher
- MD5PasswordHasher
- UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher
- UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher
- CryptPasswordHasher
A simple example just verifying and creating Django compatible passwords:
var hashers = require('node-django-hashers');
var h = new hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher();
var hash1 = h.encode("password", h.salt());
console.log(h.verify("password", hash1)); // returns true
console.log(h.verify("wrong_password", hash1)); // returns false
You can also get a hashed password, identify the hashing algorithm, and verify the password. The below example is for PBKDF2PasswordHasher, a similar approach to the above code sample can be used for all the other algorithms.
var hashers = require('node-django-hashers');
// Hashed password from Django
var hash_password = "pbkdf2_sha256$24000$EqklNbs3N4lg$COOpqEopVFNhBr20UOtUIm63RGYnX/0efMcNAEOFo50=";
var hash_name = hashers.identifyHasher(hash_password);
var hash_algorithm = hashers.getHasher(hash_name);
console.log(hash_algorithm.verify("password", hash_password)); // returns true
console.log(hash_algorithm.verify("wrong_password", hash_password)); // returns false
A good practice is to verify if the password is using the default algorithm, and update the password if necessary on the database. Every hashing algorithm has an algorithm name. You can pass it in and check if updates are required:
var hashers = require('node-django-hashers');
var hash_password = "286755fad04869ca523320acce0dc6a4"; // "password" in md5
var mustUpdate = hashers.mustUpdateHashedPassword(hash_password, "pbkdf2_sha256");
// mustUpdate is true since we do not want MD5 hash passwords, pbkdf2_sha256 is the default
var hash_algorithm = hashers.getHasher("pbkdf2_sha256");
// update the users password in the database by re encoding the password here
var hash_password = h.encode("password", h.salt());
npm install node-django-hashers