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RFIDEasy · GitHub license

Handles the RFID operations in MIFARE cards more easely and undertandable. This library was only tested on MIFARE cards with 1K of memory. If you wanna expand this library capatibilities, feel free to make a pull request.


You can find more information about the memory on that tag on the manufactures manual here.

Quick Start


Download as a zip file and uses the Arduino IDE to install normally. It's requires the MFRC522 library to work.


Include the library on your sketch

#include <RFIDEasy.h>

Initialize a global instance of the library

RFIDEasy rfid;



RFIDEasy(int SS_PIN, int RST_PIN);

Default constructor. Receives the SS and RST pins as arguments.


bool IsNewCardPresent()

This method is a handleful access for the internal library with similar name. For more information read the Attention section.


bool ReadCardSerial()

This method is another a handleful access for the internal library with similar name. It calls the initial handleshaking between the card and the RFID sensor.

Read/Write Operations


String getUID();

Reads the card UID and returns as a string


Writes the data on the specified block. Keep in mind that the blocks only have 16 bytes long.

void writeBlock(int blockNumber, byte buffer[])

Receives the block number to write and the data as a byte array

void writeBlock(int blockNumber, String text)

Receives the block number to write and the data as a string


The number of blocks is automatically calculated and the trailling blocks is jumped. The data will be splitted across the blocks and the last block, if does not fill the 16 bytes, the string end will be filled with black spaces.

void write(int startBlock, byte buffer[], int buffer_length)

Receives the block number to start the write operation, the data as a byte array and the length of the data

void write(int startBlock, String text)

Receives the block number to start the write operation and the data as a string


String readBlock(int blockNumber)

Reads a block from the card memory and returns the data as a string. The block only has 16 bytes long


String read(int startBlock, int blocksNumber)

Reads data from the card, starting at a specified block, with a number of blocks long. The number of blocks read doesn't count the trailling blocks, which is automatically skipped. The blocks are concatenated and returns as a string


void close()

Close the connection between the card and the RFID sensor, preventing for multiples read/write operations.

Misc Methods


void clearBlock(int blockNumber, char character)

Clear a specified block filling it with one character passed as argument


void clear(int startBlock, int blocksNumber, char character)

Clear a memory section starting with a specific block, and ending within a length, following the same logic as the write method. The spaces are filled with a character


Calculate the number of blocks from the memory needed to store the data.

int sizeBlocks(int buffer_length)

Receives the buffer_length as argument

int sizeBlocks(String text)

Calculate the size with the string data


Both the methods IsNewCardPresent() and close() prevents the sensor to perform multiples operations on the same card. IsNewCardPresent only returns trues if the sensor detects a card in range, and the connection was not closed. But to update the internal API, it needs to be called once with no card in the sensor's range. You could call this method always on the main loop in the micro controller, but if you use in another location, keep in mind this behavior.



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