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FUCK Great Firewall with NGINX and self-signed certificate

This is by far the fastest way to bypass the Great Firewall.
It's only https. Best for your use only. Normally, you can
watch 1080p YouTube videos without any lag under a 6M network
if you configure it with a digitalocean VPS.

One thing noted is that since GFW also uses "keyword filter",
which resets your connection if you visit those blocked websites
via http (not https), you are likely limited to access websites
that are able to serve on https, like Google, Twitter (unless
you make a more specific nginx config for yourself).

The 'fake' (self-signed) certificate will contain a list of
blocked domain names you want to visit. You can get a list of
these domains (Subject Alternative Names) from the 'real'
certificate by using this command function:

lssan () {
  [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && echo 'Usage: lssan <DOMAIN>' || {
    openssl s_client -connect $1:443 -servername $1 </dev/null 2>/dev/null | \
    openssl x509 -text -noout | grep 'X509v3 Subject Alternative Name' -A 1 | \
    tail -1 | tr ',' '\n' | awk -F: '{print $2}'

(copy and paste this function to your terminal, and run
"lssan", for example)

Now, you need to make a key and a cert using the openssl

After that, trust the cert on your local machine and put it on
your server outside China. It's better to use NGINX, since it
is efficient and easy to configure (and it has an SPDY plugin).
Make an nginx config file whose "server_name" contains those
blocked domains. You can use a regular expression to do that.

Once you have set up the server, one thing to do is to point all
these blocked domain names to the IP address of your server.
Modifying /etc/hosts works, but it is painful. You can use
dnsmasq to redirect all sub-domains under those blocked domains
to your server easily.

Chrome on Mac works (you just open the cert and trust it, and
it will appear in the Keychain Some other browsers
might not work since they have different certificate policies.


make update-nginx-rules
make dnsmasq-rules
make self-signed-cert


0. Run 'brew install dnsmasq' to install dnsmasq and follow
   the instruction to run it when system starts.

1. You may probably need to modify the file -
   so it won't conflict with /etc/resolv.conf.


2. You can add/remove domain names in the file: blocked-sites.

3. Run 'make dnsmasq-rules | pbcopy'. Enter your server IP.

4. Run 'EDITOR="open -Wne" sudo -e /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf',
   paste the content to the end of the dnsmasq config file.
   When you have done editing, quit the app.

5. Restart dnsmasq:
   sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist
   sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist

6. Run 'dig @localhost' to see if it resolves to your
   server's IP address.

7. Change your network DNS to

8. Run 'dig' to see if it resolves to your server's
   IP address.

9. Run 'make self-signed-cert' and copy the cert and the key
   file to your nginx server. Open the .crt file and trust it.
   Or you can run this command:
   sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k \
   /Library/Keychains/System.keychain certificate.crt

10.Run 'make update-nginx-rules | pbcopy' and put the nginx
   config to your server's nginx configs. Remember to edit the
   cert and key path, and restart nginx to let configs take effect.

11.Open your Google Chrome and enjoy!


FUCK Great Firewall with NGINX and self-signed certificate (related step-by-step tutorial:






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