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io.swagger.client - Kotlin client library for Cactacea backend API


  • Kotlin 1.1.2
  • Gradle 3.3


First, create the gradle wrapper script:

gradle wrapper

Then, run:

./gradlew check assemble

This runs all tests and packages the library.

Features/Implementation Notes

  • Supports JSON inputs/outputs, File inputs, and Form inputs.
  • Supports collection formats for query parameters: csv, tsv, ssv, pipes.
  • Some Kotlin and Java types are fully qualified to avoid conflicts with types defined in Swagger definitions.
  • Implementation of ApiClient is intended to reduce method counts, specifically to benefit Android targets.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
ChannelsApi createChannel POST /channels Create a channel
ChannelsApi deleteChannel DELETE /channels/{id} Hide a channel and delete all messages
ChannelsApi findChannel GET /channels/{id} Get basic information about a channel
ChannelsApi findChannelUsers GET /channels/{id}/users Get users list of a channel
ChannelsApi hideChannel POST /channels/{id}/hides Hide a channel
ChannelsApi joinChannel POST /channels/{id}/join Join to a channel,
ChannelsApi leaveChannel POST /channels/{id}/leave Leave from a channel
ChannelsApi reportChannel POST /channels/{id}/reports Report a channel
ChannelsApi showChannel DELETE /channels/{id}/hides Show a channel
ChannelsApi updateChannel PUT /channels/{id} Update a channel
CommentLikesApi findUsersLikedComment GET /comments/{id}/likes Get users list who liked on a comment
CommentLikesApi likeComment POST /comments/{id}/likes Set a like on a comment
CommentLikesApi unlikeComment DELETE /comments/{id}/likes Remove a like on a comment
CommentsApi deleteComment DELETE /comments/{id} Delete a comment
CommentsApi findComment GET /comments/{id} Get basic information about a comment
CommentsApi findComments GET /comments Search comments
CommentsApi postComment POST /comments Create a comment on a feed
CommentsApi reportComment POST /comments/{id}/reports Report a comment
FeedLikesApi findUsersLikedFeed GET /feeds/{id}/likes Get users list who set a like to a feed
FeedLikesApi likeFeed POST /feeds/{id}/likes Set a like on a feed
FeedLikesApi unlikeFeed DELETE /feeds/{id}/likes Remove a like on a feed
FeedsApi deleteFeed DELETE /feeds/{id} Delete a feed
FeedsApi findFeed GET /feeds/{id} Get basic information about a feed
FeedsApi postFeed POST /feeds Post a feed
FeedsApi reportFeed POST /feeds/{id}/reports Report a feed
FeedsApi updateFeed PUT /feeds/{id} Update a feed
FriendRequestsApi acceptRequest POST /requests/{id}/accept Accept a friend request
FriendRequestsApi rejectRequest POST /requests/{id}/reject Reject a friend request
InvitationsApi acceptInvitation POST /invitations/{id}/accept Accept a invitation
InvitationsApi createInvitations POST /invitations Create invitations
InvitationsApi rejectInvitation POST /invitations/{id}/reject Reject a invitation
MediumsApi deleteMedium DELETE /mediums/{id} Delete a medium
MediumsApi findMedium GET /mediums/:* Get a medium
MediumsApi uploadMedium POST /mediums Upload a medium
MessagesApi deleteMessage DELETE /messages Delete messages form a channel
MessagesApi findMessages GET /messages Search messages
MessagesApi postMedium POST /messages/medium Send a medium to a channel
MessagesApi postText POST /messages/text Send a text to a channel
NotificationsApi findNotifications GET /notifications Search notifications
PasswordApi recover POST /password/recover Recover password
PasswordApi reset POST /password/reset Reset Password
SessionApi deleteProfileImage DELETE /session/profile_image Remove the profile image
SessionApi existUserName GET /session/username/{userName} Confirm user name exist
SessionApi findSession GET /session Get user information
SessionApi findSessionBlocks GET /session/blocks Get block users list
SessionApi findSessionChannels GET /session/channels Get channels list session user channelJoined
SessionApi findSessionFeeds GET /session/feeds Find session feeds
SessionApi findSessionFollowers GET /session/followers Get users list session user is followed by
SessionApi findSessionFollows GET /session/follows Get users list session user followed
SessionApi findSessionFriendRequests GET /session/requests Get friend requests list session user created or received
SessionApi findSessionFriends GET /session/friends Get friends list
SessionApi findSessionHiddenChannels GET /session/hides Get hidden channels list session user channelJoined
SessionApi findSessionInvitations GET /session/invitations Get invitations list session user received
SessionApi findSessionLikes GET /session/likes Get feeds list session user set a like
SessionApi findSessionMutes GET /session/mutes Get users list session user muted
SessionApi findUsers GET /users Find users
SessionApi registerSession POST /session Register user
SessionApi signOut DELETE /session Sign out
SessionApi updatePassword PUT /session/password Update the password
SessionApi updateProfile PUT /session/profile Update the profile
SessionApi updateProfileImage PUT /session/profile_image Update the profile image
SessionApi updateUserName PUT /session/username Update the user name
SessionsApi signIn POST /signin Sign in
SessionsApi signUp POST /signup Sign up
SettingsApi findPushNotification GET /session/push/notification Get push notification settings
SettingsApi updateDeviceStatus PUT /session/device Update device status
SettingsApi updatePushNotification PUT /session/push/notification Update ths push notification settings
SystemApi ping GET /ping Health checking
UsersApi block POST /users/{id}/blocks Block an user
UsersApi createRequest POST /users/{id}/requests Create a friend request to an user
UsersApi deleteInvitation DELETE /invitations Delete a invitation
UsersApi deleteRequest DELETE /users/{id}/requests Remove a friend request to an user
UsersApi findFollow GET /users/{id}/follows Get users list an user follows
UsersApi findUser GET /users/{id} Get information about an user
UsersApi findUserChannel GET /users/{id}/channel Get a direct message channel to an user
UsersApi findUserChannels GET /users/{id}/channels Get channels list an user channelJoined
UsersApi findUserFeeds GET /users/{id}/feeds Get feeds list an user posted
UsersApi findUserFeedsLiked GET /users/{id}/likes Get user's liked feeds
UsersApi findUserFollowers GET /users/{id}/followers Get users list an user is followed by
UsersApi findUserFriends GET /users/{id}/friends Get an user's friends list
UsersApi findUserStatus GET /users/{id}/status Get user on
UsersApi followUser POST /users/{id}/follow Follow an user
UsersApi joinUser POST /users/{userId}/channels/{channelId}/join Join an user in a channel
UsersApi leaveUser POST /users/{userId}/channels/{channelId}/leave Leave an user from a channel
UsersApi muteUser POST /users/{id}/mutes Mute an user
UsersApi reportUser POST /users/{id}/reports Report an user
UsersApi unblock DELETE /users/{id}/blocks Unblock an user
UsersApi unfollowUser DELETE /users/{id}/follow UnFollow an user
UsersApi unfriend DELETE /users/{id}/friends Remove friendship to an user
UsersApi unmuteUser DELETE /users/{id}/mutes Unmute an user
UsersApi updateUserDisplayName PUT /users/{id}/display_name Change display name to session user

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-api-key
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header