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Working with OpenFGA in ASP.NET Core

This repository is an experiment for working with OpenFGA in .NET. I basically want to develop an end-to-end example for using OpenFGA in .NET and applying it to ASP.NET Core OData Queries, so we can apply fine grained authorizations down to a datasets entity.

We are building a Task Management application, that allows a User, Team and Organization to manage TaskItems. A User has a Role, such as Administrator or User, so we can also allow for Role-based Access Control. By using OpenFGA we add a Relationship-based Access Control, which makes it easy to model relations between objects.

As of now the application has a User, Role, Organization, Team and TaskItem.

The Model in the FGA Syntax is given as:

  schema 1.1

type User

type Role
        define member: [User]

type Organization
        define member: [User] or owner
        define owner: [User]

type Team
    define member: [User]

type TaskItem
        define can_change_owner: owner
        define can_read: viewer or owner
        define can_share: owner
        define can_write: owner
        define owner: [User, Team#member]
        define viewer: [User, User:*, Organization#member, Team#member]

Getting Started

Switch into the /docker folder and run:

./docker compose up

This will start OpenFGA and a Postgres instance, which is going to hold the OpenFGA data.

Creating the OpenFGA Store

To get started, we need to create a Store. This is done using the FGA CLI, which has been added to the repository at tools/fga_0.2.1_windows_amd64.tar.gz.

You can create the Store by running the Powershellscript, which will output the Store ID, Authorization Model ID and the full JSON response:

PS > .\createFgaStore.ps1
OpenFGA StoreId:                  01HJ8S5C3R7TKXPSP9N5HTDPTP
OpenFGA AuthorizationModelId:     01HJ8S5C46YMQRCC7Z1MHHJMFR
JSON Response:
  "store": {
    "created_at": "2023-12-22T12:49:18.968564Z",
    "id": "01HJ8S5C3R7TKXPSP9N5HTDPTP",
    "name": "Task Management Application",
    "updated_at": "2023-12-22T12:49:18.968564Z"
  "model": {
    "authorization_model_id": "01HJ8S5C46YMQRCC7Z1MHHJMFR"

We can see the StoreID being written to the Environment variable:

PS C:\Users\philipp\source\repos\bytefish\OpenFgaExperiments> $env:OpenFGA__StoreId
PS C:\Users\philipp\source\repos\bytefish\OpenFgaExperiments> $env:OpenFGA__AuthorizationModelId

If you want to create the Store without Powershell run:

./fga store create --name "Task Management Application" --model "src\Server\RebacExperiments.Server.Api\Resources\task-management-model.fga"

Set the OpenFGA:StoreId and OpenFga:AuthorizationModelId in the appsettings.json, or set the Environment Variables OpenFGA__StoreId and OpenFGA__AuthorizationModelId.


Experiments for combining OpenFGA and OData.







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